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  1. Hi, could I get a trial of this?
  2. Wilq

    Stealth Quester

    Don't know what happened at the beginning, wasn't looking, I started it, it got to the boy, but then got stuck on the little island south of him, script was doing nothing and console was spamming something along the lines of anti stuck, at the time I had a strange plant random event happening, don't know if that might have had an impact, I manually picked the plant but that didn't help, restarted in the same spot and still nothing. As for the rope, it buys some food and a rope, then closes the bank/ge and constantly clicks the rope and invent icon. When I try to restart the script near the waterfall with items already in the invent, it will try going back to ge regardless.
  3. Wilq

    Stealth Quester

    Tried waterfall quest, it done a little bit, then got stuck on the little island, restarted the script multiple times, it would go to buy the items but then mess up again with the items in the inventory, constantly clicking rope and the inventory tab icon. Before mining the ore
  4. Wilq

    Stealth Quester

    Bot is amazing, done all the available f2p quests, the only problem I encountered was the fact it got stuck during The Knight's Sword at stage 6, just stood there in the little house. I stopped it and restarted, it ran to ge, bought the items again but managed to finish the quest then. Just tried on another account and same thing happened. I am currently doing some p2p quests on my other account, great script. Awesome work my friend, I will report how that went in a little while, I am trying to do waterfall quest, lost city and some other ones atm.
  5. Hey guys, I got an account which had a 2 day around 3 months ago, I understand I am most likely at a higher chance of getting perma banned now, but do you think I could get away with botting it again slowly or I will get insta ban if I bot now? Any of you guys bot accounts which have had a 2 day ban before with success?
  6. Wilq

    Stealth Quester

    Can I get authed? I wanna try f2p quests on my noob
  7. Hey Czar, Could I get a trial please?
  8. I just accidentally hopped onto deadman mode, I was on RSBuddy. Hope I dont get a banned, I was quick hoppping and accidentally went to deadman instead of BH... -.- If I do get banned I will post tomorrow, I'm going to sleep now.
  9. So farming blue drags and transferring the profit to my main is considered gold farming I assume? I would probably do it through some middleman, not sure if that is any safer... I was thinking depositing money from my bot acc onto a dicing website balance and paying out to my main, what do you think?
  10. The accounts will not interact, my main I usually pvm or pk on and on the botter I am using CZAR Range Guild to get to around 80 range and then I want to run some premium blue or black dragon script to make money. If I do trade the money I will do it through a third party, dicing site or something :P I did some research on VPNs and a lot of people say that it might be higher risk than using an ISP since regular players would rarely use a VPN as opposed to botters. I kinda don't want to spend money on a paid VPN as well. Just wanted to hear an opinion from people who have experience botting simultaneously with playing legit on their mains. Thanks for your answers guys
  11. Hey guys. I want to bot one account as I play legit on my main, it's not a brand new account, it has a few quests done and I train more than just 1 skill. It's not some obvious botter account. If I play legit on my main (I never botted this account since I value it too much) simultaneously with the botter, is there a chance of both of my accounts being banned by ip? Or jagex only bans single accounts they have found botting. The reason I am asking this is because I had an account banned on 07 around 1.5yrs ago which was an obvious botting acc (lvl3 chopping willows, you know the drill, typical suicide bot). Couple of days later my main also got banned, It was around a lvl 90, decent stats and I botted it for quite a while with no problems. This made me wonder if there is a correlation between my shit lvl3 account getting banned and later my main being banned too... My ip is different now since it's been a while ago so I guess I'm starting with a clean record, I just don't want to risk my main if my range pure gets banned. tl;dr: I want to play legit on my main as I bot on the other account on my laptop (same ip). Is there a chance both accs will get banned, or just the botter will get ban? Don't want to risk my main.
  12. Wilq

    Khal AIO Agility

    Only tested it for 1 lap and I gotta say it didn't go very well, the script misscliks like 90% of the time for some reason, which results in it being super slow, also clicks the obstacles in very dodgy spots where no human would click. Just my 2 cents.
  13. Wilq

    Khal AIO Agility

    Could I have a trial please?
  14. Wilq


    Thanks Czar, so far it's going great. Btw is the script suppose to spam click in that one place? Is that not dangerous/botlike? Also one problem I have found is for about 30 seconds it's was constantly wiggling the camera and clicking the target, looked really suspicious Here is my short proggy
  15. Wilq


    Could I have a trial please? I see you liked other people's replies meaning u gave them a trial from what I understand, I've been left out
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