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About SuperMario

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  1. Im not involved in this discussion but could you please give me a free trial of your crafting script, want to try it out. Sorry g
  2. People have no patience man. I get it, stun alching shaves off half of the time needed to train but what would you like. e.g. 50 hours to get to 94 but have high risk of getting banned or 100hours to get to 94 and very low risk? Just have a little more patience and dont do super click intensive shit, especially over night, the RS2 botting days are over. I've interval auto clicked alot of hours alching and haven't been banned with it and I also bot other stuff on my current main ( very close to 1600 total with a few 99's). I've received 1 ban in the past that got squashed due to it looking like I was hacked, also because I was impatient (4hours cooking). Currently going strong with 2 to 3 hours a day without private scripts on that same account. Patience is key bro.
  3. gl on the f2p project, curious what stats it will get. f2p botting doesnt only suck because people just assume ur a bot since ur f2p but the training methods are in the crowded places of other suicide bots too, so when jagex mass wipes an area you'll be lucky to stay alive I guess. and ofcourse recent creation date high exp rate is a big no no with jagex. gl tho
  4. jagex doesnt really look at it like that anymore since alot of people also use windows mouse keys to alch/thief/prayflick nmz and such. using mouse keys ur mouse sits 100% still without moving a pixel, hard to detect it that way tbh. also can confirm i've alched a shit ton of hours with mouse still for hours
  5. randomised interval clickers have a really really low chance of getting caught, and if you do you will probably receive a 2 day ban as minor macro. can confirm because of a friend who makes alts alch to 99 with insane hours and sells the accounts. you should be safe however those hours are ridiculous would recommend 10hr a day tops
  6. agree, would recommend an autoclicker with random interval tho
  7. Would recommend it manually since it takes almost no interaction and by thus is not worth risking the ban but if you really want to Czar Perfect Fighter has some nice options about going back to a selected tile after looting and such, just experiment with the config but wouldnt recommend botting something which only requires you to drink prayer when ur low. gl tho
  8. always use mirrored client with osbot VIP on top of that I never bot longer than 40mins without taking a break. Agility tops 30min then take a 20min break, fishing i did with barbarian for 30-40mins then break for 1 to 2 hours. This may seem really inefficient but it is what is gonna save ur acc. Also my account has 200+ qp done legitly. however in the past i have received a ban on my account permanently for botting after 2months or so but i made it seem like i was hacked and got unbanned. currently what i stated above is working for me. Low time huge breaks is the motto baby edit: i never bot more than 2.5 to 3 hours a day
  9. can i get a trial? already own agility and herblore
  10. slaying greater demons in the kourend catacombs, im pretty sure it has a clear view of the monsters its attacking yet it keeps changing angles, will try after some time on others monsters too just to see if it keeps doing it
  11. is there a certain option that messes up my script? the script just constantly changes the camera angle which worries me, even when I enable afk mode and the mouse is out of the screen it keeps adjusting the camera angle. too scared to use now XD
  12. can i get a trial please, have purchased ur miner and fisher aswell, good scripts
  13. I found the problem. My pc kept putting random "?" behind config. Its working now thanks ?
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