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Everything posted by Cmontryme

  1. I made a executable that will resize the windows width and height to match the fixed classic layout. Hotkeys on the application are ESC to close the resizer application, currently the keys F, & H toggle a console that loops the printing of the values window rectangle width and window rectangle height. it should work on all versions of windows starting with Windows XP. works on 32 bit and 64 bit systems. Leave comments on thoughts, hotkey preferences, extra features ( I can paint using transparent windows or block user input from the keyboard and mouse while leaving the game window 100% opaque. thanks for any opinions in advance.
  2. I didn't expect the fishing spots to be NPCs was the issue I ran into. Using the entity hover helped me figure out why no interactions occurred. thanks @Gunman & @minewarriors.
  3. how do I declare as RS2Object, Entity, NPC? I'm back after 5 years & I really need a super simple explanation on how to declare a fishing spot. the Rod Fishing spot or Fishing spot. thanks for any help in advance!
  4. I am on windows 10 64 bit and wondering how I can run mirror mode after getting VIP. old versions of firefox don't have the plugin for java and it also crashes the browser
  5. I can't figure out a proper way to sleep while smiting as the animation is -1 after every bar is retrieved. Any tips? maybe onMessage when I fail a bar or successful smelt one?
  6. This post is worthy of being pinned. I understand a lot more after reading Explv's neat and informative guide for scripting than anything else I've read in the past 2 years. Great work, up-to-date.
  7. return npc.exists() && npc.getName().equals("Al-Kharid warrior") && npc.getHealthPercent() > 0 && npc.isAttackable() && EastPalaceRm.contains(npc) && EastPalaceRm.contains(myPlayer()); I have 3 areas I wan't to be able to count players, npcs, and WebWalk to new area's when one is too full. I'm wondering if I can filter my 3 area's into a single statement? if not I could copy pasta a bunch and have npc1 npc2 npc3?
  8. I don't know if I'm supposed to use a AreaFilter or a NPC Filter for finding which area a npc is contained. the current filter I'm using for selecting npc's. NPC warrior = getNpcs().closest(new Filter<NPC>() { //Find an NPC matching our filter! public boolean match(NPC npc) { return npc.exists() && npc.getName().equals("Al-Kharid warrior") && npc.getHealthPercent() > 0 && npc.isAttackable(); } }); Also if AreaFilters are the goto, someone might need to spoon feed the concept to me. I'm dividing the npc's spawns into 3 areas and want to see if NPC's are in the same area as me. All help is greatly appreciated
  9. I've had perfect fisher start dozens of accounts up to level 50 for the past year or 2 and not a single one has been banned Solid scripts, keep it up! Wondering if I could get a trial of perfect miner that I could run on my alt's and maybe even my main
  10. There are no obstacles in the way, I just want it to afk randomly at least. I'm not really sure how to correctly implement WebWalkEvent either.
  11. After fiddling around with the api I finally got my bot to do everything he needs to, I just wonder if there is a way to run a loop during the web walk that I could run my own anti ban or if there was a better way to just afk mid walk. if (!getInventory().isFull() && !mineArea.contains(myPlayer()) && !getBank().isOpen() ) { state = "Walking to Mining spots."; walking.webWalk(mineArea); } When the bot is navigating it follows the road in alkharid and the same line in the dessert everytime.
  12. what about using paths? the bot always runs ridiculous routes using position.
  13. Can somebody make a really bare script with the new walking and explain how I can implement it?
  14. I'd kinda like a refund.. update after update you claim to fix the issues but it seems like not a single thing has changed. Script still continues to run north up White Wolf Mountain when set to fish Herrings / Sardines. I have tried every possible combination of options in the GUI and nothing seems to help. Banking on, banking off etc. Why do you have these options for different kinds of fish if you haven't even tested them to ensure they're in working order?
  15. So im at catherby trying to fish sardine and herrings, and any time I have banking checked he run up the mountain and just sits there getting attacked by wolves. please fix your scripts are really buggy with multiple check boxes.
  16. I feel like most of the issues only occur on the west side. It might be a switch or case that is broken and messing up other things. GL on finding the issue.
  17. It keeps grabbing edible seaweed. And the minimap walk thing is cut off on my gui ( on 2 pc's ) And when I have hop worlds checked it runs south and does some really weird stuff. same when I have afk leveling checked.
  18. Is there a setting to have the bot not grab seaweed?
  19. Have it only toggle run when you're not in the bank.
  20. You guys have to delete your old OSBOT folder then run the new osbot client. The folder is located at: C:\Users\USER_NAME\OSBot
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