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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. ez11


    Havent heard of any complaints about bans in general and mirrormode has seen some very good results as you can see in the post right above yours.
  2. Dont bot longer than like 4h and split it up with like 1 or 2 breaks between them (or switch accounts instead of taking breaks). If you want to goldfarm just go hard and try to see if your accs last a bit longer if you bot slightly less until you found a good time for your method.
  3. Otherwise you only really need: getOverallPrice(int itemID) to get current osbuddy price (returns 0 if items is not actively traded keep that in mind) sellitem/buyitem and getStatus to see if you have already finished buying/selling. Hope that helps
  4. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/155911-osbot-setup-tutorial/?tab=comments#comment-1936598
  5. 80% breaks doesnt count.
  6. Its not a black image covering the client, that stuff just isnt rendered. Maybe you were looking for -nointerface? Low cpu mode does work but you cant expect it to suddenly make your scripts work at 1/10th the cpu usage lol
  7. ez11


    I think they said they would skip the regular update this or next week, go for the 14 day runtime
  8. cancel culture has to stop
  9. are you serious with that question
  10. ez11


    luckily you have to restart the client every week after gameupdates or else you would end up breaking my paint with those runtimes
  11. ez11


    everyone selling out smh
  12. ez11


    Is that with or without breaks? Im getting 40k/h on a 16att/60str acc Just wondering if att lvls make such a huge difference
  13. Why do you bot on a vps instead of your home ip? Personally I have a lot of success with mirrormode right now and have heard of other people saying the same. But on my new account that I have made to test my crabs script with, I have splashed ( combat spells on autoretaliate) to 80, so maybe different methods for mage might be better than what you are doing now. I would recommend you to either: 1. Start a new account and do a lot of quests or most of the skilling stuff right away (levels for quest reqs etc) so you got a some totel levels and dont look like a complete bot. Might be superstition but I feel like my accounts have much lower risk of being banned if they already have some legit playtime on them. or 2. Just pay someone to train your account up. Would NOT recommend buying accounts as the seller can always recover it later on.
  14. Over the years we had some pretty great disputes, so I thought it would be interesting to collect our favorites and then do a vote to decide which ones are the best. This topic will be used for nominations, once we got a few I will create a poll. I will start of with 2 of my personal favorites: 1. Zappster pretending to be a Federal Agent/Swatting. The title really speaks for itself here. Additonal info: Full screenshots of the conversation can be found here https://imgur.com/a/LaUzbVd 2. Dbolter being disputed over less than 3% downtime on his proxies. Originally the accuser wanted a 97 CENT refund, which ended up being reduced to 48 CENTS Go ahead and post any good disputes you can find, there must be quite a few over all of the years .
  15. If you believe that jagex consider data from the cache when deciding if you are a bot or not, wouldnt it be logical that always playing with a clean cache would be more suspicious? Personally I dont think it matters either way.
  16. ez11


    The recent mirrormode update really seemed to help a lot.
  17. If you created the account there isnt much risk for you since you can always recover the account. And since most people know that you are pretty unlikely to get scammed, as long as you dont accept something like paypal where the buyer can chargeback. Just use common sense and dont deal with people who have little feedback, no history and no benefit in not scamming you.
  18. ez11


    very nice @Syracuse Lol
  19. ez11


    minimum donation to get veteran rank is 250 these days
  20. Its really not going to be worth for anyone to set up some new odd cash pickup payout system for one person, you gotta keep in mind osbot is a real company. Sure you can ask Maldesto if he can speak with the owners but hes going to give you the exact same answer you got in here from multiple people.
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