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Everything posted by ez11

  1. ez11


    should be fixed in v 2.17
  2. ez11


    dm me your full setup and your settings (also if using mirrormode etc) and i will take a look at it when im back home on the 27th
  3. ez11


    Seems like imgur broke the links for the images in the menu. Will push an update later. edit: one of the images got flagged as potentially erotic imagery lol
  4. ez11


    What does "isnt working" mean? The script hasnt been changed, so make sure the logs arent showing you any client related issues. If the issue persists DM me the logs and your settings so I can see if i can reproduce the issue.
  5. ez11


    Explain what you mean that it "doesnt work" for you. The custom refill value is picks a random number between the 2 values you set and will refill when the cannon has less cannonballs remaining than that randomly choosen value. If you set the values too low based on the location you are cannoning at it will run out before the script can react.
  6. ez11


    Well if you want to get range without hp cannoning is what makes sense. But you wouldnt want gain many levels anyways no?
  7. ez11


    you can also just send me a dm on the forum here. Were you using the ornamented cannon? The script only supports the regular one. Also were you using mirrormode?
  8. ez11


    The script would drink them but cannons always have the same max hit so strength pots would be useless. just wear a 2h sword or whatever gives you the best accuracy bonuses and it should be enough. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dwarf_multicannon#Accuracy
  9. ez11


    The script disables auto retaliate when cannoning. When you are cannoning it will continuesly either run around the area to wake up rock crabs or run back to the cannon to refill. You should be wearing something like a 2h sword for higher cannon accuracy.
  10. ez11


    Yes it does work. Send me a detailed DM with your issue/settings etc and most importantly the logs (at the bottom of the osbot client) or else I can only make guesses
  11. ez11


    Honestly I dont want to clutter the script with niche options that maybe 1 in 100 would use
  12. ez11


    sorry didnt saw your post earlier. gonna give you a week trial incase you are still interested
  13. ez11


    its an issue with loading images from imgur, gonna try some solutions when i got time on the weekend edit: fix is now live on sdn
  14. ez11


    Not that im aware of
  15. ez11


    this is a crab killer script
  16. ez11


    What exactly do you mean?
  17. ez11


    DM me the logs. Also I assume you have tried restarting your client and all that? There hasnt been any change to the script and it works on my end, so I would need some more information to figure out whats wrong.
  18. ez11


    Can you DM me the logs and more details like your settings etc so I can take a look at it. Make sure to set the values in the settings between how many shots should be left in the cannon before the script should refill if you want to keep the cannon firing constantly.
  19. ez11


    Yeah webwalking and mirrormode sometimes just causes issues on updates. Sadly nothing we as scripters can do about it.
  20. ez11


    thanks I will let the dev know to get these webwalking issues fixed could you tell me which Ammonite spot exactly? Northwest, Northeast or South and the coordinates from where you started? the issue here is that osbot cant find a route between your starting location and the spot, so I would obviously need these information so Patrick can know where exactly the issue is.
  21. ez11


    Can you DM me some more details what was happening when the error came up? Does this only happen on the newest release? From what I can see this seems like a webwalking issue, so perhaps just deleting your osbot folder to reinstall webwalking could help.
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