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Trade With Caution
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About blakeblood9

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  1. I was told trolling is for "you can troll in spam/chat box." y the ban then .
  2. Herro pls remove floss from your eye. pls m9 then you can see that all the noodle lovers are fapping to your profile picture
  3. Well since this is a suggestion about osbot i decided i should post it here in the community. I feel the need to create a place where trolling and offensive things are allowed. See, I cant troll on here without a thread getting locked or getting a warning. I dont think its really fair when people need to take the interent and things on the internet a joke. Therfore i feel there should be a section for people like me where we can troll who we want and what we want. Please post below either Suppport or Non-support
  4. Don't worry, Varc is noob anyway.

    1. blakeblood9


      Ive noticed. i just wanna troll around

    2. blakeblood9
    3. RoomScape


      You won the battle, but lost the war.

      rip in peace.

  5. I quit this thread ever since all the good scripts died LOL. I remeber i use to troll the chat box and parts of the forum. So i latern went to a different botting forum to troll more autistic retards but nobody is on so i came to here. Insantly i get things likeEW Warning Details Warning issued by Varc for Offensive Language / Harassment in Profile. Given 2 points - expire on May 14 2015 11:11 AM. You harrassed another member calling him 'Ugly' on his thread, we do not tolerate this at all . so my questions is where are the trolls? what happend to this forum? i want it to be like 4chan all over again what happend the past 8 months
  6. pls i dont believe... .uk? British people are autistic as fuck
  7. No shit shirlock WHY why cant i go in it. i just logged back in from like 4 months ago wtf
  8. Isnt there a built one on the client
  9. No, at my gym they have some machines with tv's on them Edit: found an example
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