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    Smoking weed, playing runescape, highschool lol

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  1. What happens if I get a beaver while this bot is running? Will the bot drop the beaver.... or does the beaver not need attention and that won't be a hassle? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Could I please have a trial? Awesome looking ass script btw
  3. gay fucks lol i mean that in the nicest way possible
  4. 87 atm yo, so ill get 99 wc if I actually reach 30k mage logs fuck jagex!
  5. Still going strong and no bans http://gyazo.com/3e33e139cdbb5c2cac961e10b5060729 Gainz are slowing down due to questing http://gyazo.com/d6b39d4e842c61a938382f8d9cb91f5c
  6. Did a quick survey of the duel arena and I think 80 str, 65 ranged will be where I start staking
  7. Meh it's not great, I sometimes wake up in the morning and find my character has died... +it gets stuck at the bank sometimes? not sure what's up with that Not quite sure yet... probably once I hit 75 str and at least 65 ranged edit: can you guys recommend what stats I can/should start dds staking at?
  8. Update: day 9: http://gyazo.com/8868c8d6bba9b184f35d5191a135488f completed monkey madness, about to spin(bot) 1k flax and finish lost city!
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