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Everything posted by Akindness

  1. Looking good mate!
  2. Request Template: - Script name Pest Control - trial length whatever you seem fir - Reason for trial need multiple account to get void so want to try script out - Are you going to give feedback on the script? obv yes
  3. Akindness

    Stealth Quester

    @Token you planning on adding anymore quests just bought a copy like nice script!
  4. Akindness


    Got the job covered now! Thanks
  5. Akindness


    Need all f2p quests done and depending might need some members ones also but can discuss after f2p.
  6. Got banned on my main using this only bot I used in it as it's my main. Sad times. Amazing script tho!
  7. Making a layout will update soon! Prices aren't set in stone as some stuff takes less time than other stuff. Will be rather cheap seeing as i ain't pro Add my Skype i will water mark my work to prevent scamming. Really simple animated signature: Cover Photo/Signature: Layout:
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