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About shootout234

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  1. Used your rooftop agility bot and got temp banned. had adequate breaks set in. I noticed that in the falador rooftop course the bot would miss the start of the course several times (possibly making it obvious to other players it was a bot) it would walk to the corner of the entrance to the mining guild sometimes and then others it would miss click the climb option and click on something in the building all together. maybe slow down the script at this point so it doesn't miss the entry point to the course. (I ran the bot for about 15 hours, with about 7 hours of that in breaks) I've used others with high success. Also when alching on rooftops make it do it at more random times. At the moment it always does it in the same spot and there is quite a delay after casting the spell. I like the script, but its definitely a work in progress. Be careful when using this script.
  2. Okay so question. I've got the script making mahog tables with the demon butler. Why does it click on the minimap 3 times to try to get to the spot it's already in about every 3 tables made. I feel like you could get an additional amount of xp per hour if this wasn't an issue. Is there something I need to be doing to prevent this or is it a known bug? Do I need to change the layout of the house?
  3. I would like a trial please and thank you
  4. okay thanks for the information
  5. czar, how do i update my script? im still on version 94?
  6. sorry for the late reply. I wasn't aware that there were different options for dropping other. I only have the check box that says "Drop others (Drops trout -> salmon fishing)
  7. sorry to bug you is there a tutorial on how to use the map feature. I probably sound stupid by asking this. Also is there a way to delete custom maps? i made too many trying to figure it out lol.
  8. sorry to keep bugging you, but I was wondering if you programmed the script when dropping other (trout) to only drop one fish then start fishing again. That is what it is currently doing for me. Thanks in advance EDIT: I also noticed the script gets stuck at the east side of the edgeville bank trying to click the bank booth. I don't know if it would have fixed itself, but it sat there for a good 5 minutes. (this is while fly fishing at barbarian village)
  9. the only problem I have with the script is the fact that you sit on the boat for 30 seconds before you get off while fishing at karamja. Other than that I love it!
  10. I cannot get the map to load. it says loading map [surface.txt]...no progress and how do i get the custom maps off I spam clicked generate lol
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