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Everything posted by Reid

  1. Not too sure how this would be done , some assistance would be nice osb2 btw
  2. anyone care to share? since the current osbot one sucks!
  3. Reid


    1-75 in this passed week profit of about 6 mil so far no ban hammer yet
  4. Could you make me a logo for my script? it would have to be 180x180
  5. <-- HIS <--- MINE (also suggestions for what i should put inside the progress bar?) UPDATED:
  6. I'm currently working on my thieving script , i haven't done thieving in 3 years so im not to sure what seeds i should be keeping can somebody tell me thx in advance
  7. public void onMessage(String msg) throws InterruptedException { if (msg.contains("stunned")) { xp.status = "Stunned... sleeping"; sleep(random(2000,2500)); } } was literally working fine yesterday... lol
  8. Currently Supports - Eating - Baker Stall - Silk Stall - Tea Stall - Men & Women Pick-pocketing - Farmer Pick-pocketing - Guard Pick-pocketing - Master farmer and more coming as i get the levels ________________________________________________________ ~~ PM ME OR ADD ME ON SKYPE (reidcool) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP ME TEST ~~
  9. Got some gfx done by this guy at pb good dude! keep up the great work!
  10. A little project i'm working on for fun , could come handy for some heres an example what a script would look like (working on more api)
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