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Script Factory Developer
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Everything posted by ProjectPact

  1. That's a a problem with osbot. Thursday is RuneScape's day for updates
  2. Fill out a bug report and submit it to the developers Thank you! -PP
  3. Don't forget!!! 2Mil OSRS GIVEAWAY!!! -> How to enter * Join the chat located within the Hunter Script (Can be found on the GUI when starting the script) and a random user will be drawn that is online at the time of the drawing * All you have to do is be signed in the chat P.S- Once you open the chat, you may may run script, or even close the script (including OSBot) and the chat will still be open! The chat also has a mute feature if the noises get annoying, or you just would prefer not to hear anything.
  4. More hotfixes coming soon! Some of these fixes include: - new checks added to PickupAllTraps task when hopping worlds/logging out - fixed auto talker not replying 2Mil OSRS GIVEAWAY!!! -> How to enter * Join the chat located within the Hunter Script (Can be found on the GUI when starting the script) and a random user will be drawn that is online at the time of the drawing * All you have to do is be signed in the chat P.S- Once you open the chat, you may may run script, or even close the script (including OSBot) and the chat will still be open! The chat also has a mute feature if the noises get annoying, or you just would prefer not to hear anything.
  5. You seem to be the only person as well lol. You're going to have to be a lot more specific if you want me to be able to help with any of your problems. PM me for further assistance, I don't wanna spam this thread.
  6. Okay please let me know! I don't seem to be having any troubles?
  7. That is an error with the login handler, not the script. This means that it is a problem that is caused by the client, not any of my code. :p And yes, the script should recognize which are yours and which are others. Why do you say it doesn't? Any pictures or anything in the logger that can help me? I'm running it right now and someone is next to me and I'm not having any troubles.
  8. Pushed a quick hotfix for email progress. Users will now log out if they have failed to setup their email settings correctly. This will make sure users do not get stuck in a connection error loop. I've also added a dialogue box that opens to inform users what went wrong, and how to fix!
  9. @@Harmless, script related incidents are not considered feedback worthy. Instead, you should contact the developer and see what you can do to help fix the problem. Bringing it up to the developer's attention is the only real way of fixing whatever your issue may be.
  10. Hmmm let me look into it! EDIT: Found the bug! Will be pushing an update soon! Thanks for letting me know! EDIT 2: Update has been pushed to fix Progression
  11. Just waiting on a developer to upload it. Usually takes less than 24 hours
  12. Do you want a trial now, or wait until the new update is live?
  13. New updates have been pushed. Please allow the developers time to release it to the public! IF YOU NOTICE ANY BUGS, PLEASE REPORT TO ME ASAP! AIO HUNTER 4.4 UPDATES: 
*TRAPPING SYSTEM HAS BEEN COMPLETELY REWRITTEN!* * fixed trap ordering * finally added closest trap support (increases exp/profit) * fixed bugs in GUI structure * formatted names in GUI * fixed a pickup bug * added a new feature to advance mouse hover. The bot will now hover the next trap that needs to be interacted with if you are busy. * ability to turn trade handler on or off (automatically replies to a user if they attempt to trade with you) * advanced mouse hover is automatically enabled * fixed the private AIO Hunter chat * wrote a custom interaction to hopefully fix a double-click walking bug * new anti-ban support * advance mouse hover has newly added smart detection and movement * rewrote most of trapping * centered the “Report a Bug” button * centered the “Disable” and “Enable” talker buttons - Added new options to GUI * fixed a walking to bank bug * fixed some of the lag when walking using OSBot’s walker * fixed the bot not turning run back on while doing falconry * added new mouse handing randomness * fixed a deadfall trapping detection problem * added more randomness to trap timer actions * fixed a massive trapping flaw that would waste excess amounts of CPU * fixed the private chat client bug that played a sound effect twice in a row * fixed a NPE within the private chat * fixed a problem where you would release salamanders while still in an animation * fixed a paint bug that would not include the last letter of an NPC's name Updated GUI:
  14. Prepping for this very very very large update
  15. If you change it back, you will be receiving warning points.
  16. Lol you and me both brotha! Took forever finding what was my main CPU consumption problems and I finally found them with the help of my friend Lemons! So after I got that fixed I added new features and support, more GUI options to customize the script even more for your liking, and fixed a lot of various bugs. Script is working like a charm, but I want to test each aspect of it before release. You should know me by now... I don't like bugs EDIT: Also, forgot to mention a new layer of antiban has been placed in it.
  17. UPDATE: Running more tests and knocking out more bugs Will hopefully have a release out by the end of this weekend, if not sooner!
  18. Doesn't matter, all his posts were spam anyways lol
  19. I don't have a stone-in-stone eta, but I am in testing phase just want to make sure everything works as it should before release. Rewrote major parts of the script. Follow this post and you will receive updates every time I post. I plan to release some sneak peeks soon
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