By looking at the logs, it seems the script walked to a safe place to log out. It would either do this for a break, or because you ran out of something (ammo/food/potions/...). As there is no message saying it couldn't find an item, in this case the script was logging out in preparation for a break.
You can change your break settings via the OSBot settings menu. 2 minutes prior to a break, the script will safely log you out. When the break is over, OSBot will log you back in and the script will continue to run. It will not be able to log you back in if OSBot does not know your account details however (if you selected the Default option when choosing an account), so make sure you specify this.
In this screenshot, it looks like OSBot could not successfully log you back in so the script was unable to continue after a break.
Hopefully that clears things up if not let me know.