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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Sure thing, trial activated!
  2. Nothing has changed with the script, so no idea what could have caused this. Perhaps a minor game update or something similar?
  3. Having VIP seems like a sufficient substitute I've just started a 24h trial on your account. As for banrates, this is less to do with the script, and much more to do with how you use it. Some rooftop courses have higher traffic than others, and as such tend to be more risky. If you keep a low profile, use generous breaks with short sessions and play legitimately between sessions, you should be fine. Here is a screenshot of the start up interface so you can see what options are available. It is worth noting that all random movement parameters are randomised following a gaussian distribution when you start the script, so it is *highly* unlikely that any two instances of the script will run the same way. Good luck! -Apa
  4. Hmm, it's really odd that there are no error messages to go alongside the drop in fps. I'll take a look at this, hopefully it's not mirror-specific. Thanks for both checking this for me. Apa
  5. Hmm, sounds like the OSBot worldhopping code is struggling in mirror mode in that case Unfortunately there's not much I can do about this beyond notifying the developers, as this is not code that I have access to, nor the ability to change. As I suggested previously, i'd switch to Stealth Injection. Mirror mode is far less stable so discrepancies such as this are to be expected. Thanks for letting me know Apa The script is running, but it may not interact with the game while attacking the sand crabs (it simulates an AFK player). As a result, your account may get logged out from inactivity, just like it would be if you were AFKing for real. If this not the behaviour you want, you can always increase the frequency of the random movements. These random movements will move the camera/mouse at the frequency you set - if set high enough, these will prevent your account from being kicked for inactivity. I believe anywhere under 5 minutes should be sufficient Apa Hey FuryShark, Please refer to my reply to krissa with respect to logging out from inactivity. As for losing FPS when enabling the paint, this is very worrying. Perhaps there is an error being thrown which has to do with your configuration (which I didn't account for?) Please could you do a quick experiment for me: Run the script with the paint enabled, then open the console logger and send me a screenshot of the most recent lines from the debug log? This will help me determine the cause of the problem so that I can get this fixed ASAP. There shouldn't be any personal information in the console, but be sure to double check this before posting it here Apa This too is worrying. If you have a spare minute, please could you refer to my reply to FuryShark, above? -Apa
  6. Hey, Maybe your account is being logged out from inactivity? I'm not sure. I don't think this has anything to do with the script though, if I understood you correctly? If not, please could you describe in a little more detail what happens that you are not expecting! Apa Hey, Thanks for letting me know. It is worth noting that the world hopping code is all handled by OSBot as the script does not have access to your login details. With that said, there could be a few things causing this, which I will list below: Mirror mode - Are you using it? Sometimes it is less reliable than Stealth Injection, so i'd strongly encourage switching to SI. Resizeable mode - OSBot only recently started supporting resizeable mode, so as a result it might not be as reliable as fixed mode. Switch to the fixed game mode for a smoother experience. If you're running the Fixed game mode in Stealth injection, and this issue continues to occur, please let me know and i'll submit a client bug report if necessary. Best Apa
  7. Hey, Not sure what could have happened there? If this happens again, please let me know. It could well be something to do with mirror mode, but that's just speculation. Best Apa
  8. Looks like your account is over a week old so i've just started a 24h trial on your account The rule is there to prevent trial farmers and is required by OSBot. Enjoy! Apa
  9. Sure - trial started! Apa
  10. Sure, both trials activated! Apa
  11. Update: Version 2.01 Added support for Tome of Fire Added additional login state check to ensure player is not logged out for lack of resources before inventory is cached Edit: Added support for Bryophyta's staff I wanted to add support for Bryophyta's staff, but it wouldn't buy on the GE! I'll bundle support for this into the next update Edit: The Bryophyta staff just bought (for an extortionate price lol). I've just added support for it (however the script will not refill the staff - you will have to do that manually). Apa
  12. Before buying any script, i'd strongly suggest requesting a trial for it - that way, you know exactly what you are paying for. I'm happy to give you a 24h trial of my Agility script if you would like. If you're interested, don't hesitate to drop me a PM or quote this reply Best -Apa
  13. It's free and available on the SDN Here's the thread link: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/134934-apa-aio-herblore/ Here's the SDN link: https://osbot.org/mvc/sdn2/scripts/10 And here's a link to the source code: https://github.com/apaec/aio-herblore -Apa
  14. Sure, just activated a sand crabs trial on your account -Apa
  15. Sure - trial started Apa
  16. Sure - trial started Apa
  17. Sure, trial started. Have you considered training at Sand Crabs instead? The exp rate is far better! Apa
  18. Sure - trial started! Apa
  19. Sure thing, trial activated Apa
  20. Sure - trial started Hey, Unfortunately, as is the case with all other scripters, I am not allowed to offer trials to users whose OSBot accounts are under a week old (this is an OSBot rule). Sorry about that - please come back in a week! Apa
  21. Hey, Apologies, I missed your post It looks like for some reason the script is executed even though the player is not logged in (which shouldn't happen). While the client should really prevent this from happening, i'll try and add a workaround in the mean time. Hopefully i'll get around to doing this at some point this week. Cheers for letting me know! Apa
  22. Hey, Replied to your PM also. My hunch is that this is something to do with the client worldhopping code getting stuck with that particular resizeable layout. It might be more reliable if you use the fixed window game mode. Try this? -Apa
  23. Certainly, trial started! Apa Hey, Thanks for getting in touch. Is there anything logged in the console logger when the script tries to hop? Anything you send me will help determine the root of the problem. Worldhopping is handled by OSBot so any issues with it would have to be patched in a future client revision. As for the second situation, unfortunately there's nothing I can do about this as crabs which are 'wandering' have no data in common with the undisturbed ones. As a result, there's no way of telling which 'wandering' crabs are yours. They will reset after 1-2 minutes of wandering though, and this happens rarely enough that will impact exp rates negligibly. Best -Apa (copied reply from PM)
  24. Sure! trial started Apa
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