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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Sure - trial activated Hey igiveugp, which script were you interested in trying? -Apa
  2. Sure - trial activted! Cheers, Apa
  3. They're probably equivalent to ammonite crabs, but Sand crabs are definitely more efficient as a training location when compared to Rock crabs
  4. Sure , trial started. Have you considered training at Sand Crabs instead? They're much better exp/h! -Apa
  5. Sure - trial activated Apa
  6. Nope - you should be fine just overriding the JAR in the scripts directory. No need to restart OSBot.
  7. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Hmm, that's strange. I'll investigate. Cheers, Apa
  8. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Hi both, Apologies for the late reply. For some reason I was unfollowed from the thread. I'm not sure why your FPS would drop significantly - could you please check the console logger and see if there are any error messages printed there? As for dropping, the script uses the builtin dropping API provided by OSBot. If you enable shift-dropping, you might find it runs a little faster Best, Apa
  9. Hey, The script is updated whenever needed Apa
  10. Hey, Sorry to hear about the ban - from those timings it sounds like you got quite unlucky. Considering the hacking, I can assure you that wasn't caused by the script - OSBot scripts do not have access to your account details; if you enter them, they are stored locally on your machine (AES-encrypted). To add to this, all SDN scripts are manually checked and verified by the developers to ensure no malicious code is pushed live, so likely the hacking was as a result of something else. Best Apa
  11. Hi Michael, Apologies for the late reply, for some reason I didn't get a notification when you posted. Let me know if you're still interested in a trial (you can quote this reply or PM me) Best, Apa
  12. Hey, Apologies for late reply, for some reasons I wasn't getting notifications for this thread. The script supports turning seaweed into soda ash, but does not currently support giant seaweed. Hi both, This script is an AIO cooker script (i.e using items on fires/ranges), there are many cooking activities which it doesn't support, including wines, pizzas, potatoes, etc. If I were to add any of these, i'd have to add them all, and as such the script would be undercutting other products on the market so would warrant a price increase. I was considering exclusively adding wines as they are the most popular activity, but I can't make any promises about this. Perhaps wine making would be suited to a standalone script. --- Best, Apa
  13. Sure -Apologies for delay. trial started
  14. Sure - let me know when you'd like a trial by dropping a reply here when you're ready. I'll activate it as soon as I see your post Apa
  15. Hey, Thanks for getting in touch - this sounds like there might be a configuration issue. If you open the console (via the settings menu), the script will print all status logs there. It should hopefully explain the reason for it stopping Best Apa
  16. Hey, Just to clarify, do you mean that the script exits, or that your character dies? To help me figure out what's wrong, please could you have a look at the console logs and forward them to me? You can open the console via the OSBot settings menu. The console shows a more accurate log of the script status, so retrieving these logs will help me pinpoint what went wrong Thanks, Apa
  17. Sure - trial started Apa
  18. Glad you liked it! Let me know if you run into any problems, should you decide to purchase the full version Best -Apa
  19. Hey, As Gunman said above, OSBot does not support mobile - as OSRS is also a desktop game, there's no need to add the extra layer of complication. I'm not sure what other services are available, and if they support mobile, but i'm sure you'll be able to find more information with a few web searches. Best of luck! Apa
  20. Sure - trial activated! Apa
  21. Hey, Thanks for the feedback. The reason this restriction is in place is to ensure ammo will always be looted, even if the player has configured for a full inventory. With this said, I previously did not think it was that restrictive to have to talk to the range tutor, but if it's not possible in a new game mode, then this assumption would become invalid. I've added this to my list of things to do. Whether or not the script will be able to re-equip the ammo, I am not sure (for example, if you're using blowpipe, then you have to unequip blowpipe, add ammo, reequip etc - similar niches exist for other weapons and you can see how this can get messy quickly). I can perhaps add some more information to the pop-up and prevent it from stopping the script. Best Apa
  22. Sure - trial started! Apa
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