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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Sure thing - trial started Apa
  2. Hmm, if this is happening for you then it is likely happening for other people also. I'm not sure what could be causing it, but perhaps look at the latest release thread and see if anyone else is experiencing this? -Apa
  3. It's just an extra intermediary step for the OSBot team to make sure us script developers don't push any malicious code to our scripts
  4. Hey, I've pushed the code changes to the OSBot developers/SDN manager, they just need to verify the changes before they go live. Typically this process takes less than 24 hours, however since it is manual the time taken can of course vary. I cannot give you an exact answer as this is now out of my control, but hopefully soon! -Apa
  5. Sure - trial activated Apa
  6. Hey, Apologies for the delay, this bug somehow skipped my radar. I've just fixed this and pushed an update as version 3.13 -Apa
  7. Sure - trial started -Apa
  8. Hey, The status of this script has not changed with regards to mirror mode in a while - there's more information on the main page of this thread. I'd strongly recommend using Stealth Injection when using this script Apa
  9. Sure thing, trial activated Apa
  10. Sure - trial started! Apa
  11. Sure thing, trial activated! -Apa
  12. Oh no! That sounds incredibly unlucky. Perhaps wrong place wrong time, or just a delayed ban from previous sessions. Hopefully the ban was only temporary, -Apa
  13. Sure - trial activated -Apa
  14. Sure - trial activated -Apa
  15. Sure - trial activated! Apa
  16. Hey, That's strange, as once purchased the script should remain in your collection permanently. Are you sure this is the OSBot account on which you purchased the script? (perhaps you could have made a new account in the mean time?) Best Apa
  17. All trials started @el captain - have you considered botting at Sand crabs instead of Rock crabs? They're much better exp/h! -Apa
  18. Glad you're liking the script and thank you for sharing this screenshot! Let me know if you run into any problems. -Apa
  19. Hey, Thanks for the feedback and the progress report! That's some impressive exp/h I'm not sure why the script behaved like this, perhaps you tweaked the inventory configuration slightly? When the script stops, the reason is written to the console logger (accessible via the OSBot settings menu). Next time, i'd recommend opening this and seeing what it says there to learn the reason. If the reason is an error or seems unreasonable, please let me know and I can explain further and/or make changes if necessary. As for special attack, the script uses it when at 100% to be consistent for all weapons (by nature, no weapons can use more than 100% of the special attack bar). While this may seem wasteful if your weapon only uses say 50% of the bar, efficiency is still maximal. As the special attack restore rate is constant, in this example using the special attack twice will result in double the recharge time. Thus, for all weapons, using the special attack only once when the bar reaches 100% is actually optimal as it equally spaces spec activations over time. Best, Apa
  20. Sure - trial started. Enjoy! Apa
  21. Hey, Looks like the trial didn't go through as you've already had a Rooftop Agility trial with the expiry timestamp 2018-01-02 10:53:53 UTC. As this was so long ago, i've gone ahead and set you up with a fresh 24h trial - please refresh your scripts list now -Apa
  22. Both trials activated. Thanks for stopping by -Apa
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