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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hey, Sounds like you've got your break time set really low? This is the 'safe break' system kicking in, which only starts 2 minutes before a break would start. It will walk you to a safe position so the sand crabs are not aggro and you can safely log out for your scheduled break. -Apa
  2. As signatures said, it should log back in and continue where it left of It is supposed to be an AFK-simulating delay, I think it's pretty common for AFK players to be logged out for inactivity, no? Apa
  3. Thanks for sending this, but what exactly is the issue? That's referring to the first obstacle, but that's all the information that I can elicit from your message. Cheers Apa
  4. Apaec

    APA Chest Thiever

    You can find item ids here: http://www.itemdb.biz/ Keep in mind that noted ids are different from un-noted by 1. (You can also find the item id by going to options, then enabling inventory debug). Please make sure you've got the item id correct! -Apa
  5. All trials activated! Thanks for stopping by -Apa
  6. Glad to hear. Not sure what happened there. Sure thing, done!
  7. Thought that might be the case! The delay shouldn't be too long (i'd have to check the code, but it shouldn't exceed 20s or so) - it's designed to simulate an afking player returning to the tab after a duration. Best Apa
  8. It should reset the sand crabs by running north - If you have the 'random delay before refreshing' option checked, it will wait a little while before resetting. Perhaps this is the delay that you're experiencing? -Apa
  9. Cheers for the kind words! Just started the smither trial. Let me know how it goes! __ Am currently looking into the banking issues (I think withdraw-X has started having issues as of recent client editions?). I will try and find the cause of the issue, and will submit an official bug report if necessary. -Apa
  10. Just tested it now, it's working perfectly fine for me. Perhaps try restarting OSBot? Apa
  11. All trials activated, thanks for stopping by ! -Apa
  12. Neither of these features are supported just yet!
  13. This is on my to-do list. I've been super busy working on updates to my altar script and rock crabs script that I forgot to get around to adding this. I will look at getting this done for you at some point in the near future. Thanks! This is something I want to do, but i've just got to find a nice way to incorporate it into the gui. It's on my to-do list though! Thanks for reminding me
  14. Hi there, As above, to qualify for a trial, your OSBot account must be over a week old (this is OSBot policy). As a result, I cannot offer you a trial just yet. Sorry about this! please come back next week! -Apa
  15. Glad it's working well for you. Just dropped the reply to clear things up. If you have any more questions about anything, don't hesitate to drop me a PM. I'm always happy to help:) -Apa
  16. No worries - what I meant about switch statements was as follows: While it may work to lay the code out as you have done in your onLoop, it might lead to some unexpected results since it may execute more than one thing per loop of the onLoop. Here's the correct (...or traditional...) way to use a switch statement: switch (getState()) { /* ... */ case BANKING: break; case RETURN_FROM_BANK: break; case GO_TO_BANK: break; /* ... */ default: break; } ____________________________ As for using enums in this way to organise your code, I think it's a great way to separate the function of your code (i.e the interaction code, walking, etc) from the logic of your code (the checks, assertions etc). While plain if/else statements in your onLoop works just fine too, it can get quite overwhelming for larger projects. It is important to note however that the difference between these solutions is purely aesthetic: neither solutions offer any additional functionality. As you progress with scripting and java in general, you will learn about inheritance, encapsulation, and other key object oriented concepts (alongside some common design patterns) which you can apply to your code to make it 'do more for less'. Best Apa
  17. Heya Mirror doesn't work well with this script. Please switch over to stealth injection and your problems will be solved For more info, see the 'things to consider before buying/trying' section on the original post Best Apa
  18. Hi there both, To qualify for a trial, your OSBot account must be over a week old (this is OSBot policy). As a result, I cannot offer either of you trials just yet. Sorry about this! please come back next week! -Apa
  19. There are a couple of syntactic issues with this code: You're putting a semi-colon straight after the if statement. Since if statements without any curly braces {} only encompass the next line, this semi colon is blocking your actual code. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15786949/is-there-a-difference-in-removing-the-curly-braces-from-if-statements-in-java Take a look at how switch statements work on google https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/switch.html With regards to your banking question, splitting it up into states in your getState() method sounds like a good plan. -Apa Edit: added some links
  20. To qualify for a trial, your OSBot account must be over a week old (this is OSBot policy). As a result, I cannot offer you a trial just yet. Sorry about that - please come back in a week or so! Best Apa
  21. Awh I'm sorry to hear it got recovered... that's pretty lame. Thanks for sharing the screenshot anyway - much appreciated! All the best with future accounts as well. Apa
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