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Trade With Caution
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  1. I see that Dragonplay is different from Android, damn.
  2. It's safe, tested it through Sandbox nothing suspicious found.
  3. Google Chrome, because of the built-in NSA-software.
  4. What do you want to reach with this topic? You will not get support from the community also it will not help you deserve really the 'Veteran'-rank. People who ask for things will be put for the next turn. You are also threatening Maldesto with the topic name. Overall, this will not increase the chance but decrease your chance. Be patient, help other members on the community and don't be rude if a no has been said.
  5. Ooh, got VIP! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      Nice! Be sure to chance your member title. :P

    3. iOS


      Where coudl I do that? :P

    4. RoomScape


      I think you have to PM a mod, not sure if you can do it yourself.

      It's that: http://prntscr.com/2qbtdv

  6. 12, that game can ride my balls.
  7. Unblock me, is for relaxing periods to get your brains work :p Dragon Poker is online poker but 100 times better than Zynga.
  8. Dragon Poker and Unblock Me.
  9. 6 - I see you at the chat always. :P
  10. pls. I have started with a Windows 3.11, 56MB RAM and 20GB HDD. in the 90's. :P
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