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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Server is running pretty instable last days. Hope there will be an update asap! Good question Anybody?
  2. haha brochachos Na, would take too much time for this but it uses a very good walker ^^ Wzb walking would be a nice option indeed xD
  3. Ya I read it before! We will never forget you!
  4. I see, Random events are not handled by a scripter, they are handled by the client. If you say what went wrong I could help improve it. Khaleesi
  5. Server is down. Check at the top of the page
  6. All 3th party software can get you banned
  7. ya haha sorry my bad Precise was skyping me... actually it's hes fault haha :p
  8. An updated video will be posted soon, There still need to be done a lot of improvements. Thx for the great comments!
  9. haha It's just nature guys :p
  10. Looks amazing But does users really want to bot more to gain first rank on a script? I think avoid bann > higher ranking but I love it! x3 Great work!
  11. Some nice use of ASM there, I should really learn it ... Project looks great on first sigh, don't have time to look in depth at this point. @James just check the code at Github, it's open source Khaleesi
  12. Would be awesome, thanks for making it open-source. Will check this later today
  13. Hello, Yes I know there is only a risky path, but I tried different paths around and they actually all risky ... Could you give me an example of a safe path? I would be happy to include it ^^ Khaleesi.
  14. Not yet but I could add it
  15. No wonder if you win 7-1 against brazilia Btw what were you doing on that site x^^
  16. Botting is at own risk... Don't blame someones script for that. If you don't want to takes risk don't bot Depends on your mining level, the higher the level the more exp, (on lvl 70 mining its 6k/h exp) but it isn't that much after all. (on lvl 70 mining its around 55k/h profit) Khaleesi
  17. Well if you are using pouches you have to have acces to lunars. Without lunars pouches are basicly useless if you want to run a decent amount. Ya I'm debugging the problem with the essence found, Thx for the patience! Khaleesi
  18. There asking about your "RuenScape" account haha
  19. This "Report" button exists in runescape since the very start
  20. Yes, there is a problem with the method for getitng an selected item, a tiara should solve all issue. I need to make a way around the current method.
  21. Ya, Supplies should always be at the top of the bank to make the script run as fast as possible without problems I'll check the deselect funtiion out, but It's a bit buggy indeed. Try to use a tiara instead ;) Khaleesi!
  22. Yes If you repair the pouches manually if you don't have lunar it would work fine But making the script run to abyss to repair them is kinda waste of time. So try to get lunars to get max exp and money!
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