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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Hmm I don't have that implemented. I also don't really have an account available who has that... I can try to make a beta for it, but you'll have to test when it's on SDN Khaleesi Will try to run varrock and fally course at the evening, and i'll try to get it fixed.
  2. That's not the script, That's you running Mirror version. Mirror version is in beta, so it has it flaws when loading areas and npcs. Try running it in the normals client instead. Khaleesi
  3. Ya but what location, I have no idea about what location your talking. Can't you get me a screenshot of the minimap when your standing there? Thx! Khaleesi
  4. Thats strange, i'll check out why it deposits it ^^ Khaleesi
  5. I'll add failsafe for that. thx!
  6. Can you give me some more details? - Was you inventory full? - What was the script status? - Any errors in console? - Get me a screen when it happends please Khaleesi
  7. Khaleesi

    Walking bugged

    Ya I see, I hope you will be able to get it fixed Goodluck MGI EDIT: or is there any way I can work around this issue? Khaleesi
  8. Khaleesi

    Walking bugged

    Something I came along, I can proof that the normal client AND the mirror client both have this issue. If you use localwalker(object) and when a new region loads, the place of object gets moved along with the region. Keepign the same localX and localY. but ofcourse this isn't correct ... since the localwalker will walk to the localX, localY in the new region. Hope you understand what I mean ;) I'll make a detailed bug report soon. Thx for keepign us posted. Khaleesi
  9. Why would it take a (4) if you got a (3) available? it is supposed to take the lowest pot xD
  10. Its not something I can change. It's client related ... osbot walking method won't work on mirror client, not much I can do on that part
  11. Not sure if I'll add that ... Maybe later
  12. Sure gave you 24 hours. unfotunate
  13. Got a date? American sniper is a good one ;)
  14. Gave you 24 hours It's in the "Main" tab of the script selcetor in the client Khaleesi
  15. Yes I can sell you this van 2.5 mill OSRS. I'll sell you a voucher of 4.99$ which you can buy the script with. Khaleesi
  16. Gave you all 24 hours Goodluck!
  17. sure gave you 24 hours
  18. Ya it works, also pouches works there. Able to walk back or teleport back + food support + potion support. All options available in GUI: Here is astral: Not sure about exp
  19. Great to hear that you are statisfied! Khaleesi
  20. Gave you a few hours Goodluck!
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