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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Started playing runescape ...
  2. It's ok becarefull botting on your main if a botting account got banned on the same IP. They might have flagged the IP and your main has a higher chance of getting banned Khaleesi
  3. Your missing the point here i think. Bot account: bots gold -> trades to Mule Mule: ONLY holds gold A mule only holds gold, it doesn't bot gold ... why would you risk all the gold on your mule? Khaleesi
  4. Insurance companys are all bullshiet ... They are happy to receive, but once htey have to pay they will come up with some crappy reason not to... Good idea though ;)
  5. Sure you got 6 hours trial Have fun!
  6. Read this: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/71785-script-loader/ They are working on this issue. regards Khaleesi
  7. Is this a question or is it a statement you make? Khaleesi
  8. Read this: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/71785-script-loader/ Thx , Khaleesi
  9. Why does everybody keep asking: - Is this still working? - is this up-to-date? Ofcourse it works ... Why would it be on the store if it didn't work? Khaleesi
  10. Don't think it's in Osbot API.. Why do you need a clients API for that? it's basic Java, you can make it yourself in 5 minutes.. Khaleesi
  11. Sure, you have 6 hours ^^ Khaleesi
  12. Its not possible to create a script that is 100% flawless. In theory it would be 100% flawless, but a script is not a human, so it will fail if anything happends that's not meant to be. All we can do is make it as good as possible ^^ Khaleesi
  13. Sure you got 6 hours Enjoy!
  14. I did push it around 10 hours ago, but currently the SDN is having some issues. Check for V0.42 in the paint Khaleesi
  15. It's is a SDN error, check the forum annoucements The devs are working on a fix for this. Khaleesi
  16. It's indeed a SDN issue, Devs are working on a fix. Khaleesi
  17. How in the hell can it be outdated sometimes? whut? This is being updated weekly... If you have any issues, use the bug report template. Khaleesi
  18. Check under "proggies", @LeBron posted one with addy bars. Khaleesi
  19. Done Location? Logs? Errors at console? Try restarting client
  20. Script updated to V0.42: - Fixed issue while taking off glory with full inventory - Fixed issue, when getting off path at wildy ditch - Fixed issue with earth talisman at lava runes - Fixed getting stuck in abyss - Improved emptying pouches - Failsafe at astrals if accidently switched magic book to "Normal" switch back. If you have more bug reports, please let me know. Enjoy! Khaleesi
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