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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. coal bag is only for bars with coal. yes gold will be around 80-90k/h depending on the world ^^ I lvld up my smithing this way ;)
  2. Yes it lowers it slightly.
  3. OSBot interactions are really buggy atm, it moves the mouse to one place and then waits another 5+ seconds before moving it again, sadly you're going to have to wait for an update from the OSBot developers. Should be in the next few days.
  4. Auto logger is buggy/broken atm. Have patience, it's a client issue not script.
  5. Hey. Right now I'm working on adding something to the bot to make everyone do at least one task. This will boost everyone's bars/h and profits. I'll see about adding the loading coke task. Are you using mirror client or normal one? I don't think spamming random shit like that will help you, it'll create a pattern that's easy to detect. for Jagex (imo). Also I'm pretty sure they can tell if you're using OSBuddy or not, after all the creator did work for JaGeX so they probably added a little something to not ban people who use it, thinking they're bots since it uses inject. Thanks
  6. What is script status? Can you fill in bug repotr teplate at first post please? Easier for me sure have fun
  7. Script logsout if no ores are left
  8. Ya you can repair stuff only make sure to disable auto retaliate... but there can be a chance of missclicking monsters... Khaleesi
  9. in .72 then forces everybody to update there client. So they basicly forced us to sue there latest updates, even though they lower the client quality. I hope this gets fixed very soon. Khaleesi
  10. It's 20$, one time fee and unlimited accounts I'm pretty sure other people can inform you about bann rates.
  11. Sweet bro! I have no idea :p
  12. Ya was planning to add world hop support
  13. ya it's faster, but more risky.Is a chance you could die there. Khaleesi
  14. repaires gates and barricades, is for pures. when does it happen? Using fixed screen? Not even sure what this means at all ...
  15. The pitch is just the latest action what was done before you logged out, nothing to do with that. Because no fucks are given ... -_-
  16. No, why would they waste time on making it for resizeable ?
  17. Client interactions are broken that's why, happens at draynor, al kharid, varrock too since they all have that same wall you climb. Basically it moves the mouse if it's not on the object, it'll wait 5s, then move it again, wait 5s and move it again until it's finally on the right spot where you can click to start the course. Ridiculous but nothing I can really do until client is fixed.
  18. Note: This was a huge update, report every issue you come across. Script updated to V0.11: - Using own walker class, no more pointless running around - Added repairing mode (requires axe and hammer) - Added "only attacking monsters" option at portals - Added granite maul spec Todo: -Removed points gained, since it was buggy atm. Enjoy! Khaleesi
  19. I'm sorry to hear you guys have issue with the auto login I hope it gets resolved quick!
  20. map[x][y] is the flags tile. You the the Tile itself. The flag i only to check if its walkable
  21. You are saving the flags of the tiles. Not even the tile itself... This adds a flag of a tile to the list. walkableTiles.add(map[x][y]) basicly pointless, since you don't even know which tile it is afterwards. You want to save the tiles itself. ArrayList<Position> walkableTiles = new ArrayList<Position>(); Try to figure out how to get the global x and y yourself out of the locals x and y Khaleesi
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