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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Will be released in one of the upcoming days
  2. Hello! Enjoy the trial, I will take a look to add gem bag and herb sack right now
  3. probably because you don;t have java 8 installed
  4. Karamja lobsters have been in the script since 2015 Enjoy the trial Vip does get a few free scripts, but none I made
  5. You already ahve an expired trial on this script
  6. Send me your settings Error is a webwalker issue so I have no idea about that one
  7. Not sure what you mean by that
  8. Scripts usually don't get removed, using a wrong account? Check here: https://osbot.org/forum/clients/orders/
  9. you can, open osbot and use the patch button
  10. safespotting is a work in progress atm
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