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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. You still having issues with the start button? EDIT: Script updated: - Tweaked the GUI Start button should be fixed now. Update should be live soon Khaleesi
  2. If you bought it, it should instatly pop up in the client Try restarting the client or refreshing the scripts. Khaleesi
  3. I rewrote the algoritm some time ago. It's somewhat complicated to explain, can you add me on skype? Khaleesi.bot EDIT: Script updated to V0.76: - Fixed banking issue at astrals thx to Should be live soon Enjoy! Thx in advance Khaleesi
  4. That happends once in a while since it's a insane moneymaking method which requires almost zero requirements. Also be carefull with mondays, jagex will always come up with banns from last weekend. Khaleesi
  5. Oh thx for the report I'll update the script so this will never happen again! EDIT: Script updated to V0.39: - Fixed issue with picking up MOG when full inven. Update should be live soon Enjoy! Khaleesi
  6. Add them to your account on this website This was changed in previous updates. Click the "Scripts" buttong at the top of the page or click here Enjoy
  7. Message @Maldesto, @Dex or @Anne for this They will be happy to help you out. I did enable it manually until this got solved Khaleesi
  8. Uhm might stop taking drugs for once xD
  9. Great to hear pal! If you ever experience something odd, don't hesitate to let me know Khaleesi
  10. Its ok, update will be on soon EDIT: Script updated to V0.16: - Script will stop if out of knives/arrow - Script will stop when out of darts/scales in blowpipe Update should be live soon. Khaleesi
  11. You got the trial, let me know if you have any issue Khaleesi
  12. If you can provide me the message you get when you got no scales left I'll add it
  13. I'll take a look at it, shouldn't be happening Can you screenshot when this happends with my paint enabled so I can see the script status? Khaleesi
  14. Use the bug report template next time, there is a reason why it is in the first post ;) So now I'll have to ask for more info ... Using mirror or regular injection? OS you are running it on? Khaleesi
  15. No it will not be added, the reaction time of the client is already too slow to run properly. Not even speaking how it would run while alching, it's already hard as a human to do it ... Alching will slow down the script a lot unfortunately I can take a look but in 99.9£ of the cases it will screw up the agility exp/h Khaleesi
  16. Ya it's a good moneymaking method, so the banns are higher then usual. but it's still very profitable in my opinion ^^ Having 1 lvl 67 cons acc functioning as host is pretty good Slaves can just use rimmington or edgeville as banking method. Khaleesi
  17. Ya abyss is a dangerous place, also plr can kill you if they are fast enough Try wearing some dhide, gives good magic defence, makes it harder for pkrs to snare or teleblock you. Khaleesi
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