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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Yes auto updates whenever the devs approve it
  2. Never had an issue with this... hmmm
  3. Added some more to the OP Dream came true!
  4. You can also check if it contains the action "Open" to determine if it's open or not
  5. Script udpated to V0.05: - Added temporary fix for the door, some weird issue with webwalker since yesterday .. Will be online in a few hours. Khaleesi
  6. Probably a client issue since yesterdays update, will take a look to it and do what has to be done
  7. Don't know of any banns and created over 3000 with it ^^
  8. can you restart the client? you using stable or dev build?
  9. hmm could add it , but is it worth it?
  10. You mean stop a bit later then 50 damage?
  11. I placed @WhatsRunescape in TWC and asked him to reply here and epxlain hes actions. He has 24 hours to reply! Khaleesi
  12. That's a pretty good suggestion, although it's pretty hard to implement. For what price would you buy/sell logs and planks?
  13. Depends on the prices you buy and sell it for, but it's around 200-250k I believe. The paint displays the actual profit, it does use the average prices to calculate profit- cost of supplies and fees. Khaleesi
  14. No worries! Let me know if you need anything else
  15. Can't change the misslcicks due to feact that the clients handles this I can take a look to make a custom event for that ... might be the short pain ^^ I'll take a look at that, shouldn't fill the bucket first. Khaleesi
  16. That's the reason I couldn't reproduce the issue ... thx ^^ I asked for your setup a few times since I couldn't reproduce this issue on my high HP main ... Script updated to V0.04: - Fixed withdrawing pots endlessly Update will be online in a few hours. Thx to @Le Jizzle for giving me the setup! Let me know if this is fixed in V0.04 ^^ Khaleesi
  17. Healing at bank or taking food with you ?
  18. Can you get me a screnshot if possible? I'll take a look at asap.
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