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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Possible to take a screenshot when it's stuck?
  2. Where does it gets stuck for you?
  3. Khaleesi


    Runescape uses a "Non-breaking" space instead of a normal space ^^
  4. Script updated to V0.36: - Final fix for withdrawing bars If you have any issue with it, let me know ASAP! Khaleesi
  5. Well you only make like 10-12 runes in a run without pouches... You'll need a shitload of talismans since you don't have magic imbue either. I don't see how this is usefull Khaleesi
  6. Why would you do that? Aren't lavas better?
  7. This isn't 100% accurate though, what if you gto a ring of duelling and you are almost in the varrock? It should return CW instead of varrock bcs its faster ^^ If you input an array of positions from the banks the webwalker will calculate the fastest route to a bank.
  8. Use the webwalker. Just input all the locations of the bank and it will walk towards the closest one ^^
  9. I updated the NPC contact spell this morning, should be online soon. I ran it after I fixed the NPC contact spell ^^ You have any other issue then the NPC contact spell?
  10. I don't remember, Everything working fine for you now or are you still having any issues?
  11. It takes 30 min to make an acc ready to do BF, so easy to recreate after banns. You should survive the weekend suiciding if you do it properly ^^
  12. Uploaded a quick fix, will be online soon. Thx for the report!
  13. manually empty and fill you ppouches once please
  14. User banned, sorry for your loss. If he ever wants to return he has to refund you. Khaleesi
  15. Just tested this and everything worked fone for me for 2 hours. Can you restart the client? The Imbue was indeed broken an is fixed in the next update If you please wants to folow the bug report template I could adress your issue properly. I can't seem to get your issue, when does it bank RoD's? Just start the script with the pouches in your inventory and kepe the rest empty ^^ Where does astral crash, it will drink staminas when there is no stamina pot active ... EDIT: script updated to V1.02: - Fixed magic imbue spell kind regards Khaleesi
  16. Didn't even see it, No the script doesn't add new scales...
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