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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. That's very weird ... I'll def check this out! Did this happen once or multiple times? Sure!
  2. let me know how it works for you
  3. Its not an issue man, thats bcs its randomized ... if you want an instaban I'll make you eat at the exact hp every single time. Why are u even eating on 6 hp ... -_- Put the eat hp higher then 6 hp ..
  4. Hmm that's weird, still having this problem? Can you show me what you entered? That's unfortunate
  5. What fixing for doors? Works fine for me .. What's the issue you are having with the doors? Also instead of posting 3 times you could have just edited your previous post ^^ EDIT: Script updated to V0.26: - GUI rework - Paint rework - Changed Gate logic sligthly to prefer opening a gate instead of running around. Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  6. I'll have the Vial issue fixed in a sec, shouldn't have happend! Thx for the report EDIT: Script updated to V0.21: - Fixed vial problem Should be online in a few hours.
  7. Yes should be enabled Enjoy!
  8. Oh didn't knew the range was so small on them I could make a option for it in the GUI ...
  9. I had this planned to add it, but I didn't had the time yet
  10. Nein man, Houttechnologie ^^ Zeer moeilijk
  11. Different settings have nothing to do with this so that should not matter here. Possible solutions: - Ditch the mirror mode and try to run it again in stealth injection when you are about to level and see what it happends ^^ - Get me the console log when the script is logged out (Setting->Show logger) - Select an account instead of using the Default bot profile (bcs it's simply impossible that it does not log back in if you have your acc selected) If it doesn't login when you selected your account, copy paste me the console log. Default bot: You could also add me on skype: Khaleesi.bot Khaleesi
  12. Ben there, done that! #TeamBelguim
  13. Daar ga ik spijtig genoeg niet geraken vanavond
  14. It will stop the script Sure have fun!
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