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$250.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Seems very annoying to do every time ... would have to rewrite a fair amount of my core to support that
  2. Done! Didn't knew you could fish properly there
  3. Useing varrock teleports is the probably the best
  4. @FletchingNL can you explain me how the skype you were talking to (itz_xstxr) has the same IP as your IP on the forum? You have 24 hours to explain or you'll be banend straight away.
  5. The starting script issue has been resolved. (Problem with my host) Sorry for the inconvience. My bad! Yes it does that
  6. Thx for the post! Will add all those. The starting script issue has been resolved. (Problem with my host) Sorry for the inconvience.
  7. The starting script issue has been resolved. (Problem with my host) Sorry for the inconvience. Either bot smart on your main or suicide fresh accounts ^^
  8. The starting script issue has bene resolved. Sorry for the inconvience. Enjoy
  9. Check the voucher section on the forum, if you find someone who want to trade a skin for a voucher you can do that The issues of the script not starting should be solved by now. Sorry for the inconvience. All trials activated! Enjoy
  10. I can fix the issue manually if you add me on skype: Khaleesi.bot
  11. Currently having some issue with my image host. Can you ask the trial tomorrow again?
  12. Ya got some issues with my image host, working on it! Should be fixed very soon, sorry for the inconvience. Sure you can, if you make the correct potions ^^
  13. I could add this. Profit depends onw hat method you use, usually between 200-400k/h
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