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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Even with the best antiban in the world and botting a few hours a day you cna get banned. Botting is not the same anymore as a few years a go, try to mix up tasks and different skills
  2. Yes there is a host option but the host need to make tabs aswell if you run it on the script ... Guess you just need to have it logged in? Enjoy the trials
  3. Currently it does not support this...
  4. Yes thanks for the report! Script updated to V0.48 - Fixed red ranger shield crafting Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  5. That sucks, will take a look why it won't click the plank WIll fix this right now! Enjoy the trial EDIT: Script updated to V1.42: - Barrier fixing has been updated Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  6. Sure is, activated you a trial
  7. Ya that sucks, it's weird sometimes... Some of my accs can run for weeks while another gets banned pretty fast doing the same exact thing -_- Not sure on what they base the banns at this point
  8. You buy an osbot voucher, which is Osbot credit. With that credit you can buy scripts in the store Didn't get the level to test it, might be able to lend me one for a sec?
  9. Activated your trial, Enjoy!
  10. Didn't hear anything bad about it llately, but not oo many people train here at this point.
  11. https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/
  12. Can always add, what would you like to see added?
  13. If you click a bit further does it continue just fine?
  14. Where did you get a walking issue? What altar ? tiara or talisman?
  15. Gettting my agility up so i can test it There is a link on my first post where you can buy vouchers with osrs gp
  16. Is it usefull? isn't there better ways?
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