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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Glad to hear! Check your logger for astrals. Let me see if I added Dust staff to ZMI Check the logger, you are porbably missing some runes bcs your pouches are broken You need lunars to repair them Don't your craft enough runes to teleport?
  2. OK! Will try some things and add something to solve this issue. EDIT: I found it very quickly, there was indeed some issue I somehow never encountered... Script updated to V1.04: - Fixed clicking icons while chat is open. - Fixed clicking on a wrong random position at Settings Tab. if you happen to encounter anything else, let me know! Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  3. I've never heard of this... out of all the hunderds of acc I made I literally never encountered this before Gonna check it now and push you an update!
  4. Ya that's exactly the reason, it's bcs the inventory container isn't refreshed yet... but this also happends in the middle of a botting session... Whenever the inventory fails to update due to some cpu spike or whatever. it won't detect any items and will tell my scripts there is no stuff left, that's why I don't liek this kind of options in a script.
  5. Updated the link, thx for reporting! Activated the trials.
  6. Yup that is some shitty lagg or the perfect break manager of osbot in action I made an option to disable the logout option... Like on my computer I cna run it perfectly without an issue, but on a vps it's shit... Will take a look at the teleports instead of the tabs when making house tabs ... Not really gonna matter but ok Script updated to V1.22: - Added checkbox in GUI to diable invntory checks to logout - Will now teleport to house wiht spell instead of tabs when making house teleport tabs. Will be online soon! Khaleesi
  7. Sure enjoy Will take a look Not much I can do about missclicks though .. that's more client related or fps lagg related Sure enjoy!
  8. Well that's mirror mode for you, nothing I can do about that sir I recommend you to leave mirror mode and just use the default client, way better ^^ Enjoy your trial !
  9. Sorry for the late reply. Fixed in new version Hmm well this is a fishing script ... Not a kitten feeder, but can take a look Updated script to V 0.62: - Fixed fishing guild sharks Should be online soon!
  10. Well I just tested it and didn't get stuck at all ... and nobody else either ... Did you disable roofs or where was it stuck? I don't see any image so I can't tell you what you are doing wrong
  11. Still very good, always bin pretty good money.. even though the bann rate can be a little bit high bcs of that ^^
  12. Are you using mirror mode? How long does it wait usually? uhm Ya food point! Will add that very soon
  13. What timer do you mean? Where do you need Staminas potions?
  14. Could have spend that time into making something usefull ^^
  15. Activated! Enjoy the trial
  16. Spend hours making accounts and dealing with banns while vip cost like 6$... poor Guy
  17. Sure enjoy! Activated it
  18. Activated the trials!
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