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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. The client currently is having some problems, You need to wait for the devs to update Osbot to the game update of previous thursday
  2. The client currently is having some problems, You need to wait for the devs to update Osbot to the game update of previous thursday
  3. The client currently is having some problems, You need to wait for the devs to update Osbot to the game update of previous thursday
  4. The client currently is having some problems, You need to wait for the devs to update Osbot to the game update of previous thursday
  5. The client currently is having some problems, You need to wait for the devs to update Osbot to the game update of previous thursday
  6. The client currently is having some problems, You need to wait for the devs to update Osbot to the game update of previous thursday
  7. The thing is that it works perfectly fine for me ... So it must be you doing something wrong here Add me on skype: Khaleesi.bot or join my discord. EDIT: The client currently is having some problems, You need to wait for the devs to update Osbot to the game update of previous thursday
  8. The client currently is having some problems, You need to wait for the devs to update Osbot to the game update of previous thursday
  9. The client currently is having some problems, You need to wait for the devs to update Osbot to the game udpate of previous thursday
  10. Depends on the devs actually, van be 30 min but also 6 hours Will ask someone to take a look ^^
  11. Sorry, found the issue! Script updated to V1.21: - Fixed banking issue Should be online in a bit Khaleesi
  12. Damn that sucks Sure have fun!
  13. ohhh, a lot of people ahve this currently. It's due to jagex update from 2 weeks ago where they bann/lock accounts that are not created/botted on the same IP. Did you use any proxies?
  14. Can you add me on skype or discord? Skype: Khaleesi.bot discord: click my signature for the link
  15. This is a tutorial script, how can you run this 1-2 hours?
  16. Version is int he Gui interface when you start it, or in the scripts paint when you already started it
  17. That's out of my control since the webwalker controls this kind of stuff ... Will pass this to the devs to make to sleep lower on this
  18. Have you used top level nodes togetehr with lower level nodes? When you mine upstairs, make sure to only select nodes on the upper level. Did that solve your problem?
  19. What part of making the bread? Can you show me a screenshot of it? i tried it on a few accs but I never ran into this before..
  20. Thx for this! Script updated to V1.17: - Added more food (See above) Will be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  21. Enjoy the trial Sad to hear I hate when stuff like this happends ...
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