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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Ya sometimes banns are harsh, while other times you can last a pretty long time -_- Enjoy all trials
  2. Script updated to V1.34: - Script will now higher camera angle when it gets too low - Fixed some spelling issue Should be online soon! Khaleesi
  3. Glad to hear, let me know how it works for you
  4. Somehow I never got any notification about this, checking it out! Checking this out, what exactly didn't work? Didn't click the final window? Edit: Script updated to V1.03: - Updated Magic longbow (u) cutting More updates folowing tomorrow!
  5. enjoy the trials I can take a look at it, would require some code to be remade though
  6. So I asked 10 times to post pictures where it gets stuck, yet you make time to make a simple post and not post an image with it ... How do you expect em to solve an issue when I don't even know the exact issue ... this can be 50 things from what I read in your post The bounds on the minimap are not 100% correct, so it can go a bit out of tha rea normally
  7. Sure enjoy! When exactly did it do that? I ran it for a few games but never came across this can you get a screenshot? When exactly did it do that? I ran it for a few games but never came across this can you get a screenshot? That's a lot of crates Sir How was the loot? when did you regret buying my scripts?
  8. good idea, will see if I can add an option to cook before dropping when a fire is nearby EDIT: Script udpated to V1.67: - Added cooking support when a fire is nearby in the range you selected. Will be online soon! Let me know how it works Just don't bot too much a day, bot slow and steady to avoid banns ^^ I planned to add karambwan this weekend. How exactly would it work with a glory?
  9. You need to enable it ingame under controls in the settings tab Speeds up a lot of things
  10. Ya always bin annoying those brawlers, will see what I can do to avoid that
  11. You mean banking nests at powerchopping?
  12. Will take a look at it Will figure something out
  13. Sorry for the delay on releavling the winners! Winners: 48 -> @vitanet 49 -> @Jueix 27 -> @tamatalk2 7 -> @Steex 34 -> @A one 40 -> @RangaLord243 12 -> @Katinukas 38 -> @suicideplays 41 -> @Ethics 14 -> @MrChocolate Feel free to pm me with the script of your choice
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