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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Should be live Enjoy the trials
  2. Script updated to V1.71: - Added Corsair cove resource area (needs dragon slayer to acces) - Removed annoying debug text Will be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  3. Full bank option means your bank is full so it can press the depositall button instead of depositing 10 runes by right clicking them .. It's a lot faster then normal banking If you select Air rune as your banking rune, it should not deposit those .. Well I don't know what your are doing wrong but it works fine for me... if you want to have enough teleport runes every time, you should use a rune pouch ya you can choose with obstacles to use, and the CW method is not added..
  4. What mode are you running? Any text in the console/logger? Enjoy!
  5. Working for me atm, Still having issues?
  6. Script updated to V1.70: - Tweaked Dragon harpoon suppport + added spec support - Added Karambwan fishing - Added karambwanji fishing Make sure to have a lunar staff or dramen staff equipped + Karambwan vessel and bait for this Configure the Fairy ring ot DKS before starting! Small fishing net for karambwanji fishing Will be online in a few hours Enjoy!
  7. Post in the refund section on the forum, Store related stuff is not mine to decide I never said it ws added? I probably said I was going to take a look into it soon ^^ Can you show me the setup you have and what settings you used to start it?
  8. What's the issue with aerial fishing? Click my signature for the discord server
  9. Will take a look at it right now Is that the only decent way of doing it? or are there multiple ways of banking and travelling that are worth doing?
  10. Script updated to V1.69: - Added Dragon harpoon support Will be online soon
  11. Do you have this issue aswell on fixed screen mode? Ya, but why would you need that?
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