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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Ya u can use cannon only aslong as you got balls left if that's whats you mean
  2. Has it been working better for you or still issues? Can you explain your issues? going to check bolts asap!
  3. Enjoy! good to hear it's fixed now hmm whats not good at those? Can't do that Why would you need it as local?
  4. Enjoy the trial what pouches are u using? Can you get me some more info on your settings and what it is doing exaclty? what bank mode are you using? have you trid full bank mode? its pretty fast
  5. WIll take a look at this mate Updating several things to improve the speed greatly atm EDIT: Script updated to V1.03: - Fixed various bugs with banking - Increased speed while banking by using quick withdra methods - Smart inventory interaction added, more humanlike and faster Will be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  6. Not yet sorry Enjoy your trial sir! Improved ZMI greatly in the past 2 days Check it out soon and let me know what you think of it Updated script to V2.57: - Improved banking speed at ZMI - Fixed skipping pouches for ZMI - Added Pouch hovering to increase speed at ZMI (will add to other altars aswell soon) Let me know how it runs! Will be online soon! Khaleesi
  7. Disable roofs should be disabled by default since the last update. Shift drop could be added if that's really worth adding?
  8. Well that's something I love to read!
  9. Well that's good to hear! Let me know if you run into any issue please! Will be test running this in a sec! will keep you posted
  10. I didn't really add any failsafe for that Will have a look at that ^^
  11. Aren't there any good ones out in the store atm? Let me know how if the fixed worked for you Happy newyear! Let me know if the fix worked for you
  12. It will always load the prices, Will disable it whenever you disable the loot tracker. Script updated to V1.41: - Stop loading prices when loottracker is disabled! - Fixed issue with loading prices when script is alreayd stopped Will be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  13. Ya I can add an option to clean all herb. After cleaning just drop them I guess? Unless they are in the loot list I assume. This is going to lower the profit by a bit bcs of the time looting and cleaning I ran it for 4 hours yesterday and I got like 545k/h on my main. and just ran for around 20min and this is what I got and I often get a lot more then this: and 5 sec after stopping the script I got a snapdraogn seed. would have increased gp/h to like 700k/k at that point That's with a blowpipe, normal black d hide and avas accu, nothing really special... Can be higher then 650k/h if you are perfectly geared, seen pll get 800k/h over a timespan of 2 hours... Maybe you are looting the wrong items or you waste a lot of time by banking or praying? Not sure what you mean with the double right click, I didn't even see the script right click a druid once. Can you explain that some more? EDIT: you can change in controls to "left click where avilable", I assume you arelow cb and there cb is too high for you? So you end up right clicking all fo them?
  14. Ya if you uses pouches with a talisman, You'll need 2 of them each trip. It's not really worth either
  15. Script udpated to V1.28: - Fixed Ladder interactions for upstairs mining - Should now Drop Dirt if Sack is full and you somehow end up with a fill inventory. - Added failsafe for new warning if you try to deposit pay dirt when the river aint flowing and you already have dirt in the water. (= Fix Strut) Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
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