Ya I can add an option to clean all herb. After cleaning just drop them I guess?
Unless they are in the loot list I assume.
This is going to lower the profit by a bit bcs of the time looting and cleaning
I ran it for 4 hours yesterday and I got like 545k/h on my main.
and just ran for around 20min and this is what I got and I often get a lot more then this:
and 5 sec after stopping the script I got a snapdraogn seed. would have increased gp/h to like 700k/k at that point
That's with a blowpipe, normal black d hide and avas accu, nothing really special...
Can be higher then 650k/h if you are perfectly geared, seen pll get 800k/h over a timespan of 2 hours...
Maybe you are looting the wrong items or you waste a lot of time by banking or praying?
Not sure what you mean with the double right click, I didn't even see the script right click a druid once.
Can you explain that some more?
EDIT: you can change in controls to "left click where avilable", I assume you arelow cb and there cb is too high for you?
So you end up right clicking all fo them?