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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. hmm ... will run myself in edge and check this out
  2. Still running for a few hours!
  3. Exactly! Good point! Will change this right away!
  4. missclicked while walking or actual misslcick the furnace itself when it tries to interact?
  5. Hmm, will check this out! probably something with the naming of the potion ...
  6. As far as I'm aware, the things you state doesn't even affect jagex bann rate nowadays. There has bene a lot of tests about this, but no real answer or no real difference For simple scripts your better off using a macro recorder that fails once in a while then using an actual bot client in my opinion ^^
  7. It will only withdraw the runes for npc whenever you need it. (Will add rune pouch support for this soon anyway) There is no need ot have them in your inventory Maybe I made a typo in the steam bstaff, will check that. Will check the large pouch issue, should not happen ofcourse Will keep you updated, will be fixed tomorrow evening. Thx for the feedback, Appreciated
  8. Can you try without rune pouch? Just put the runes in the bank I think that's the issue
  9. No it can't Gave you a trial anyway
  10. Oh wow, that's unfortunate Enjoy your trial Sir!
  11. Trial has been activated! Have fun
  12. Khal Scripts Giveway I'm hosting a giveaway on my discord, make sure to join and particape and win some free access to my scripts! Hope to see you soon! Khaleesi
  13. Sure you can! Enjoy your trial
  14. Sure mate! Enjoy your trial!
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