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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. looking good guys, can use some more spamm here!
  2. Ya never zoom out completely, everything gets very small to click for the bot .. Enjoy the trials
  3. Enjoy the trial Have you enabled shift click pouches? if you haven't this enabled yet, you are living 1 year behind EDIT: Script udpated to V2.45: - Added an additional check for shift clicking pouches Will be online soon
  4. Should just pick them up fine ... trained from 74-75 today and picked up 32 of them ... So don't see any problem here, can you take a screenshot or a gif when it does this? Are you using mirror mode or resizeable screenmode, only at draynor rooftop or others aswell? EDIT: I just ran draynor for 5 min and it picked up the first grace I encountered so I assume it's your setup, please get a screenshot so I can see what's wrong
  5. Khal Scripts X-mas/New Year Giveaway!! What can you win? I'm giving away 10 premium temporary scripts which you get acces too for 14 days! You can pick any public SDN script which I made. How can you participate? 1) Like this post 2) Spam this topic as much as you want! 3) At 3 january around 21:30 Gmt+1 I will reveal the winners! Scripts to choose from Rules: - This post needs to be liked by you in order to win - You can post as much as you want, but never twice in a row - You can only win once - You can't change script during the 14 days - Participating with multiple Osbot accounts will get you banned.
  6. Sure enjoy the trial hard to tell when it does that, it will rotate itself anyway later on ...
  7. So glad to hear! Posts like this really make my days
  8. whenever you get this, please take a screenshot so I can see the script status on the paint and the amount of ores in the sack at that moment.. It's some weird issue I cannot reproduce myself for some reason
  9. Have you tried without mirror mode?
  10. Ya bann rates are quite high in general lately I hope you like my scripts! Enjoy your trial
  11. what's considerd low? Enjoy all the trials
  12. Yes you can use another house Enjoy the trials
  13. You can do them sperated for now... looking for a way to do both with same settings! Ya it seems the pricechecker is not working anymore ... Will remake that asap!
  14. ah I see ... does it happen on the same position or is it random? Taking a look at this Enjoy all the trials
  15. Will take a look at the teleports!
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