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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. oh Can just ask it back at the dwarves at fally right?
  2. Good to hear! let me know if you see it again and try to take some screenshots if you can
  3. I really don't see any settings:/
  4. Yes that's what I meant, how did that go for you? No sorry I don't have the fishing lvl do to those I want to add them though!!
  5. Will test some cases on mirror mode, but I doubt I can change anything Sure have fun!
  6. Greta to hear! Sure, have fun!
  7. Checking this out right now! Works fine for me, can you try again and see if it works?
  8. Ya that can be an issue sometimes, client seems to load slow between different regions and updates objects too slow Does it do that every single time or randomly?
  9. Isn't that really risky to lose to pkrs? Will check out this issue at ZMI, shouldn't just skip the essence At lavas, what is exactly the issue with magic imbue? To slow or?
  10. It's currently very hard to swap in the current code, wsn't designed to do both 1 go. But you can just collect 1000-2000 tokens and swap modes? Will check this out. Can you post your setting again? I can't see them somehow
  11. Mirror mode has always bin slower then normal client, something that can't be controlled from within a script. Will check out the eels dropping. Have you tried running it in normal mode instead of mirror mode? To see the difference? EDIT: Script udpated to V1.76: - Fixed Typo in Mottled eels, should fix the dropping of them. Kind regards Khaleesi
  12. Hmm that's weird, was running it myself for a while and never happend Did it actually tried to click the ladder or where was the player at? Could it see the ladder?
  13. hahah uhm where does it idle?
  14. Repair barriers and gates so you don't gain any combat exp ... From what planet are you coming?
  15. Basicly you shuld only use 1 action every onLoop and check every state onLoop. That's how you get proper flawless scripts. Btw don't use widgets ids please ... its so bad as they can change a lot if(trade open){ if(secondtradescreen{ accepttrade(); }else{ if(trade contain both items){ acceptFirstTrade() }elseif(trade contain first items){ inputSecondItem(); }else{ inputFirstItem(); } } }else{ tradeplayer(); }
  16. Can you atleast tell what is not working for you? what mode you are running? Or how do you want me to smell it? Tested every mode yesterday and all work fine, so check your setup and the logger ^^ Sure enjoy your trial sir
  17. I can change it that way... not a big deal for me
  18. Well it should never right click to drop though ... Only the patterns change once in a while. Would you rather see it drop in 1 specific way for the whole runtime?
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