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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Will check this out! EDIT: Script updated to V1.14: - Fixed Varrock teleport Will be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  2. I'm not sure what your problem is but I have tried 10 different setups and it didn't even came close to doing anything you discribed... WIll do some more tests to ind the exact issue. It's not actually 100% possible to set all data for both options at once, would have to remake the script mostly to do that. Why not just run get tokens for an hour or 2 and then switch over to killing cyclops? Not at all, I even train on these monsters sometimes, good exp Ya I could do that
  3. You sure it's pure essence and not rune essence? Enjoy! Enjoy! Sure have fun!
  4. Sure does! Enjoy the trials!
  5. I can change that! Script updated to V1.59: - Will withdraw always 14 items now instead of withdraw all Will investigate the banking issue. Could you take a gif of it? Enjoy!
  6. Not yet, going to add this tomorrow or the day after!
  7. Enjoy the trials! Lemme know how it went
  8. Activated the trial. Ya spinning flax isn't that great, but if you bot like max an hour and take a decent break u should be fine I think
  9. You need to buy pure essence to run the script. Check the console logger for more infromation No sorry Does it do that every time? What mode are you running and what setup?
  10. Not actual possible ... You need atleast 2 hours of botting to receive a bann. Unless it was a delayed bann of another botting session Still happening? can you screenshot? Enjoy the trial!
  11. Banns are high atm on agility, be careful and just take enough breaks! Been using it on my main for past days and I just bot a few hours a day in short sessions, seems to be fine Will also take a look on how to counter the bansn some more. Khaleesi
  12. No it does not support that It's been working fine
  13. Thx for the report! Just checked it and the change in the walking caused it to fuck up major ... Sorry Script updated to V1.58: - Fixed molten glass smelting - Fixed using items on furnace at molten glass Should be online in a few hours Lemme know how it worked for you! Enjoy! Khaleesi
  14. Glad to hear you like it! Sure enjoy!
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