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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Activated the trial. Ya spinning flax isn't that great, but if you bot like max an hour and take a decent break u should be fine I think
  2. You need to buy pure essence to run the script. Check the console logger for more infromation No sorry Does it do that every time? What mode are you running and what setup?
  3. Not actual possible ... You need atleast 2 hours of botting to receive a bann. Unless it was a delayed bann of another botting session Still happening? can you screenshot? Enjoy the trial!
  4. Banns are high atm on agility, be careful and just take enough breaks! Been using it on my main for past days and I just bot a few hours a day in short sessions, seems to be fine Will also take a look on how to counter the bansn some more. Khaleesi
  5. No it does not support that It's been working fine
  6. Thx for the report! Just checked it and the change in the walking caused it to fuck up major ... Sorry Script updated to V1.58: - Fixed molten glass smelting - Fixed using items on furnace at molten glass Should be online in a few hours Lemme know how it worked for you! Enjoy! Khaleesi
  7. Glad to hear you like it! Sure enjoy!
  8. Script updated to V1.77: - Fixed slow dropping on mirror mode Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  9. No sorry Sure have fun mate!
  10. Script updated to V1.57: - Fixed randomized walking - Fixed spamm clicking mini map - Fixed interaction with furnace, will be quicker and more smooth - fixed SIlver ring crafting. Update will be live in a few hours. Let me know what you think of it Khaleesi<3
  11. Sorry for the slow reply. Thx for the feedback and I'm checking this out right now Webwalking Can take a look at this, even though i'm not a fan of using so many resources to just walk once to a location. that few hunders MB aren't really great for some people Some clunky behavior The problem with the messages in game is halts some info and I have to close them before the script can continues Most scripts probbaly doesn't have failsafes for 500 things, well my scripts does and this is a way to make sure it's flawless ^^ Last inventory That's probably just another failsafe of mine stopping the script bcs it doesn't have the right items to complete 1 full inventory. Will take a look at it
  12. Will check this out Enjoy your trial!
  13. Will have to check why mirror still does this ... good way to go!
  14. Sure why not Whats the problem?
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