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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Has nothing to do on your end mate The banking is a client issue, has nothing to do with the script Devs are working on it, waiting for new client release is the only option Should be soon though! (Or try new dev build) https://osbot.org/forum/topic/156672-dev-build-osbot-2559/
  2. Script updated to be more smooth If someone has an issue lemme know asap! Will be online asap Khaleesi
  3. Nope, why would you need that? I just make posts when I update the script
  4. Will check it out! does it logout?
  5. Well I should remove all that stuff, doesn't really improve bann rates nowadays, might even be bad Just try to reduce botting times and take break to be more safe
  6. Client issue, new client should be online soon Will check this out! that's pretty quick ... Best antiban is reduce bot times, I personally never bot more then 45 min in 1 session ... take a small break and go again EDIT: Script udpated to V1.51: - Updated NPC contact, will also use Dark Mage spell directly from spellbook if possible - Updated price calculation to be more accurate Will be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  7. For some reason this forum keeps unfolowing my topics ... So goddamn annoying Thx for mentioning me!! EDIT: Script updated to V1.55: - Fixed Jewellery smelting - Fixed fetching prices Is a client issue, devs are aware and working on it! (Fixed in next client release) Ya was thinking about this aswell, but it requires me to completely remake this
  8. Not that hard I assume, will take a look at it
  9. It's a client issue atm, devs are looking into it
  10. Script updated to V1.34: - Updated to new interface change to work more smoothly - Added Marble lectern What will come soon - Pool support - Use House advertisement Should be online in a few hours
  11. really? devs looking into it anyway
  12. Ya I can add a small delay for that if you really want
  13. Haha We wouldn't be botting if we weren't lazy right?
  14. Yes my scripts lets you run unlimited instances, OSBot is gonna limit you bcs your not VIP
  15. Hmm I see! Working on this
  16. Enjoy your trial Sir! It's a osbot issue, Devs are wokring on this To fix this, don't have a tab open in your bank, just have the main bank tab (Tab 1 open) Sorry for the slow response!
  17. No it's not the script that does this It's mirror mode that does this, Try to run in injection and You'll see the difference EDIT: Remade the interaction method slightly, should be a bit faster now! but Mirror does slow down the progress, no doubt ^^ Script updated to V1.26: - Patched interaction method Will be online in a bit
  18. You know there is a human idle function in the Settings tab? Not eveyrone wants to waste time on their bots ^^ People like to suicide on farms You always have to be on fixed to bot, resizeable is supported but flawed in my opinion Fixed mode is way more stable, also try to zoom out a bit further so it can easy see all objects to interatc with them Script updated to V1.73: - Fixed calculation on Karambwans
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