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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Enjoy the trials Sir! Script still up and running flawlessy Used to be like this, a lot of players reported that they got stuck, so reverted the changes. Will check otu the minimap issue! ya will check that out ... weird issue since the interaction is done by osbot in this case
  2. It's gets a new ROD when it has an odd number of charges. Since you need 2 charges every trip, don't want to get stuck in al kharid after teleporting with no Rod So you might have no RoD(8) left in the bank to withdraw? You don't start in al kharid with rods? you start at castle wars right? Sure does! Have you tried checking the logger for missing items? I guess I made it too hard to setup the right gear ;/ Will make some stuff easier or set some reminders Checking this out for both issues. Updated Script to V2.52: - Updated some issues with teleporting at astrals Will be looing into a better system from item management, so it's more clear what's missing
  3. haha Awesome Sure enjoy!
  4. Doing pretty good! Bann rates are average, just play a game yourself once in a while, helps a lot ^^
  5. Well could be ... I experience this a lot while hopping
  6. Happends a lot for me aswell, usually happeds a lot when you try to sleep for too long :) Like worldhopping, ...
  7. What course? Can you screenshot? Try to zoom out the client Sure enjoy the trial Sir!
  8. Enjoy the trial Sir! Lemme know some feedback please
  9. Will look into these 2 points Well that's pretty harsh ... This script is one of the lwoer bann rates atm Must have been caught a jmod personally or something
  10. There is a link in the first post, or you can look at the top of the website and click Store/Scripts Been running it today and made some decent cash on my alt ^^
  11. Enjoy your trials guys! Script still going strong! Running smooth as fuck
  12. Enjoy your trials, Soryr for late reply! Script still running perfectly!
  13. Yes multiple methods, like Lavas or fire runes Weird, will have a look! Enjoy the trial Sir Enjoy your trialSir!
  14. Will check this out! Zoom out some more probably Can you screenhot it?
  15. That's not too bad Does it work a lot better for you now?
  16. I see! didn't interact with the butler I assume?
  17. well that's not an easy course to add WIll take a look at it though
  18. I don't really understand the issue you are trying to explain, can you be a bit more specific? I'm running gold bars atm with ive gloves and it's working great for me. Try to use this Dev build, are some banking fixes for the client: If you are still having issues, can you send em a picture with some explanation? Or add me on Discord: Khaleesi#1145
  19. @Patrick Have you taken a look at this yet?
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