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$250.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Banns are no valid reason for refunds I believe ... Botting is always a risk, even at 15 min a day You can always make a post about it here https://osbot.org/forum/forum/210-refunds-appeals/
  2. Well you must be doing somehting wrong Tried mirror mode or running in the evening ? Awesome Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
  3. I'm not sure why ... It does support picking up nests if you use the abnking mode You can always buy it with osgp if you want
  4. Activated Enjoy! I wouldn't bot more then 1-2hour in 1 sessions
  5. Fixed a few minor issues, update should be online very soon! A bigger update is folowing asap.
  6. Script updated to V1.40: - Fixed spamm clicking objects Enjoy the update! Some proggie by a user this weekend
  7. today or tomorrow Will try today!
  8. Enjoy! Ya it's a good afk method to mine ^^
  9. I could add an option to run it in "afk mode" so you can decide... Rely on Auto retaliate or click them 1) That's actually a great Idea, Will be added! 2) I already added that in my dev build, will be enabled in the next update. Should also solve a lot of issues with current breaking system. Thx for the suggestions and advice! Appreciated Will try to get it online today or tomorrow.
  10. Not yet, updating werewolf course first since thats the best ingame exp/h atm Then I'll take a lok at brimhaven, but what's the point of it? Enjoy!
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