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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. What was the exact issue? enjoy your trial!
  2. Ya that's bcs of the new island Give it a few hours and it will be V2.01 ^^
  3. Hmm, Can you screenshot the message for me?
  4. Khal tutorial Island updated to V2.01: - Now supports the brand new second tutorial Island which you can encounter rarely! Will be live in a few hours! Enjoy!
  5. it's bcs the new tutorial island is live Needs some updating ^^ Update will be live soon!
  6. Have fun!! Enjoy the trial!
  7. If you are goldfarming you need a plan, start them at the right moment and they will last long. Start right before a bann wave and you get banned... Making gold isn't easy, you need a stratrgy ^^ You can make an acc to goldfarm this in 60-90 min, so pretty easy ^ Correct Enjoy!
  8. Have fun! thx! Enjoy the trial Enjoy
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