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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. No, isn't there better food ?
  2. Make sure to null check the item first, will give errors when the items is not in your inventory
  3. There is probably a reason why it doesn't let you select pouches. Not every way of runecrafting is possible with pouches. Give some more info what you are trying to do.
  4. Enjoy! D Enjoy! Should be no problem
  5. Enjoy! Well out of all my acc I ran I never had the urge I needed that Same for other people, I asked around... If you equp warm clothing theres in't much need for this. Nonetheless I will check it out
  6. Enjoy! Working on adding rune pouch to every method. Should be done in next release (Probably this evening)
  7. Have fun! Enjoy the trial!
  8. All the feedback was about the appearance of a bot..., how is that considered feedback? What do you expect, That a bot is gonna match clothes, match colours, have a nice trim? Might need to hire a few females to give me tips on how to match the OSRS clothes ^^ 90% of the bots are created to suicide and will get banned within 48h. If you are creating accounts for high end purposes, you shouldn't be botting them on tutorial island I'm fairly sure they don't care about reports ... most bots gets auto detected on lower levels. (probably faster then the report gets checked) Maybe it matters on high level accounts who doesn't get picked up right away...
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