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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Enjoy! Tbamking should be fairly low bann rate, so they can run a lot longer then others Try like 5-6h split over a day?
  2. Not every method supports rune pouch yet, which one are you running atm? Hard to check if you didn't mention any info... Enjoy!
  3. Actually most people who move are the other bots. Why would a legit player mind moving around in the boat? I don't get what you are trying to say... My vision of botting: The point of botting is to complete tasks, with as less interaction as possible. The more interaction with the game the more likely you will be banned, nobody cares about where you stand or what you do. Reports don't even exist in my eyes. I will folow this vision in all my scripts and it hasn't failed me over years..., (compared to others :D) Enjoy!
  4. I can add that Enjoy! Enjoy!
  5. Enjoy! You press start and have a knife Enjoy!
  6. Khal Tutorial island updated to V2.04: - Fixed issue with random appearance in Mass account mode - Fixed Issues with toggeling roofs. Will be online soon! Enjoy!
  7. Khal Fletcher (All in One) updated to V1.08: - Added Mouse offscreen for better antiban (included in humanlike idles)! - Added bolt tips cutting Will be live soon! Enjoy!
  8. How can you look less then a bot when you have no equipment on? xD It has a 50% chance on every choice to change it or not, so if you say it only changes 2 things, it's bad luck ^^ I've never heard anyone getting banned for "looking" like a bot, doesn't seem a valid point to ban? We are talking about bots, if you wanna spend time customizing your perfect barbie or Ken, you can always do by hand
  9. Thx for the review mate!, will have a look at these points Appreciated!
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