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$250.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Khal tabmaker udpated to V1.55: - Added Lunar tabs - Added Civitas illa Fortis tab Live soon! Enjoy
  2. Khal Smither (All in One) updated to V1.18: - Added menu invokes Live soon! Enjoy
  3. Khal runecrafter (All in One) updated to V4.17: - Added Menu invokes support Live soon! Enjoy
  4. Khal Temple trekking updated to V1.03: - Increased speed and efficiency - Fixed emergency teleport for low hp - Added Bog event solver - Added option to bank rotten food - Added option to eat food for inventory space when looting or doing events Live soon! Enjoy!
  5. You don't select specific trees, green highlighted is the current tree that the player is chopping you can select specific chop range and position with chop and bank (custom) or chop and drop
  6. Only thing u need to start at lvl 1 is rune mysteries quest
  7. Don;t think u can due to the way the jagex acc logins work
  8. Not atm, but it's on the todo list to add comport bin support
  9. just buy some warm clothing from the GE
  10. it only makes normal tabs in POH
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