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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. It should not do that, it will check for all of that before generating a path. I've seen this happen very rarely for some people. Probably restarting the cleint would fix it With the PathPreferenceProfile you can enable and disable certain ways. but it shuld always take your accounts stats/progress in mind
  2. That would been extremely fast to get picked up that fast, especially since you have access to mirror mode. Did you use humanlike idles? I still use this on a few accs to make money on the side to fund my main and I barely see banns on my alts. Feel free to share what method you used and what settings, so I can take a look at it
  3. Ya I'm aware, that's because it tries to click it again instead of getting stuck. Should be solved soon! Enjoy!
  4. True, just have to find the right settings and you'll see bann will happen a lot less
  5. Most likely injection, to counter that you can use short sessions instead of 1h bot times mirror mode has more security for banns at this point
  6. What error were you getting in the client when you started the script? Right bottom corner of the client is a Icon to open the logger
  7. Not giving trials on this scripts, sorry
  8. Khal Ogres updated to V2.04: - Fixed picking up Cannon before taking breaks! Online in a few hours! Enjoy!
  9. Not giving trials on this script
  10. Khal Motherlode updated to V1.62: - Fixed issue when pathing through Dark tunnel Will be live soon! Enjoy
  11. Well this happend once in a while, I had similar problems where I was doing the same ting in the same order fort oo long and they will catch on to that. Just by reordering tasks or leveling some random skills this usually is over again Aslong they throw with 2 day banns, nothing is lost ^^
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