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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. It will take fishing supplies itself, you just need to start wherever you wanna powerfish
  2. It does switch, but if you added the wrong staff in the task it will stop indeed Make sure you selected the right staff for every task
  3. Ya that's added Enjoy the trial
  4. Your proxy isn't working... Clearly says: [ERROR][03/31 07:24:11 PM]: Can't connect to SOCKS proxy:Connection timed out: connect
  5. Bad luck ;/ try to change break timers and make the bot sessions shorter
  6. Check the scripts topic, else just ask the scripter ^^
  7. Enjoy! Ya sure does there are always banns after an update, delayed banns of the days before ^^ Enjoy!
  8. Shorter bot times, 2h is pretty long without a break
  9. You can't initiliaze a Player object like that, you have to do it in the onStart method. package SnootsAnchovyFisher; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Player; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; @ScriptManifest(version = 0.1, logo = "", info = "Simple Anchovy fisher & cooker", name = "Snoots' Anchovy Fisher", author = "Snoots") public class Main extends Script { // @NAME: Areas // @DESCRIPTION: All the areas we will be using private Area fishingArea = new Area(3266, 3149, 3278, 3139); private Area bankArea = new Area(3271, 3161, 3269, 3173); //This boolean determines if the player has chosen the fishing option or not static boolean isFishing = true; public Player bot; // @NAME: Fishing Function // @DESCRIPTION: This method stores the code for the fishing bot public void fishingFunction() throws InterruptedException { NPC anchovyFish = getNpcs().closest("Fishing spot"); //If bot is at the fishing area & not interacting with the anchovies, then interact with them if(fishingArea.contains(bot)) { if(anchovyFish != null) { if(!bot.isInteracting(anchovyFish)) { if(anchovyFish.interact("Small Net")) { sleep(random(5000, 1000)); new ConditionalSleep(25000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return !bot.isInteracting(anchovyFish) || !anchovyFish.exists(); } }.sleep(); //If a dialogue opens up, click continue } if(dialogues.inDialogue()) { dialogues.clickContinue(); } } } //If bot is not at the fishing area, then walk to the fishing area } else if(!fishingArea.contains(bot)) { walking.webWalk(fishingArea); } } // @NAME: onStart function // @DESCRIPTION: Script gets executed once everytime the bot starts @Override public void onStart() { log("'Snoots' Anchovy fishing & cooking' has been started."); bot = myPlayer(); } // @NAME: onLoop function // @DESCRIPTION: Script loops whatever is inside this method @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if(!getInventory().isFull() && isFishing == true) { fishingFunction(); } return 1000; } // @NAME: onExit function // @DESCRIPTION: Script gets executed once everytime the bot stops @Override public void onExit() { log("'Snoots' Anchovy fishing & cooking' has stopped."); } }
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