You can't initiliaze a Player object like that, you have to do it in the onStart method.
package SnootsAnchovyFisher;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Player;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep;
@ScriptManifest(version = 0.1, logo = "", info = "Simple Anchovy fisher & cooker", name = "Snoots' Anchovy Fisher", author = "Snoots")
public class Main extends Script {
// @NAME: Areas
// @DESCRIPTION: All the areas we will be using
private Area fishingArea = new Area(3266, 3149, 3278, 3139);
private Area bankArea = new Area(3271, 3161, 3269, 3173);
//This boolean determines if the player has chosen the fishing option or not
static boolean isFishing = true;
public Player bot;
// @NAME: Fishing Function
// @DESCRIPTION: This method stores the code for the fishing bot
public void fishingFunction() throws InterruptedException {
NPC anchovyFish = getNpcs().closest("Fishing spot");
//If bot is at the fishing area & not interacting with the anchovies, then interact with them
if(fishingArea.contains(bot)) {
if(anchovyFish != null) {
if(!bot.isInteracting(anchovyFish)) {
if(anchovyFish.interact("Small Net")) {
sleep(random(5000, 1000));
new ConditionalSleep(25000) {
public boolean condition() {
return !bot.isInteracting(anchovyFish) || !anchovyFish.exists();
//If a dialogue opens up, click continue
} if(dialogues.inDialogue()) {
//If bot is not at the fishing area, then walk to the fishing area
} else if(!fishingArea.contains(bot)) {
// @NAME: onStart function
// @DESCRIPTION: Script gets executed once everytime the bot starts
public void onStart() {
log("'Snoots' Anchovy fishing & cooking' has been started.");
bot = myPlayer();
// @NAME: onLoop function
// @DESCRIPTION: Script loops whatever is inside this method
public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
if(!getInventory().isFull() && isFishing == true) {
return 1000;
// @NAME: onExit function
// @DESCRIPTION: Script gets executed once everytime the bot stops
public void onExit() {
log("'Snoots' Anchovy fishing & cooking' has stopped.");