1. If the portal is 5-10 sec away from spawning the bot will wait for it, not doing anything else. You want to avoid running around like a chicken without head Players using runelite know the timing aswell and thats the most efficient
2. This can only happen when the pouches are still full, it's impossible to ignore the pouches since they all have a empty or full state. Skipping them means they are in the other state
3. Same as 1. the time is calculated which the bot needs to fill up the pouches and inventory to craft, if there is not enough time left until next portal it will just do something else and wait for the portal.
Everything in this minigame is based around those portals, depending on the pouches you use you will craft 1 or 2 trips between every portal, that's actually the most optomal way of doing it
I will make it move right next to the barrier. I already walked closer but not the exact trow next to the barrier