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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Ya but the account logs back in after that right? or what does it matter? Enjoy
  2. Not sure what you are trying to do with this code, but you are trying to draw the display on top of your player This draws the outline of a model Same works for Npc,'s or whatever you are trying to draw. public void onPaint(Graphics2D g){ RS2Object object = .... if(object != null && object.isVisible()){ g.draw(object.getModel().getArea(object.getGridX(), object.getGridY(), object.getZ())); } } Retrieving a object in the onPaint method isn't a great example though, because this will result in FPS drops. The more things you load in the onPaint the harder your FPS drops the best thing is to set the object inside the onLoop RS2Object object; public int onLoop(){ object = ...; } public void onPaint(Graphics2D g){ if(object != null && object.isVisible()){ g.draw(object.getModel().getArea(object.getGridX(), object.getGridY(), object.getZ())); } }
  3. It should have stopped, there is a check for that in the script. So not sure what went wrong tbh ... will take a look!
  4. no trials on this script
  5. No idea, resetted it for you
  6. you already have an expired trial of this script...
  7. you already have an expired trial of this script...
  8. It can only do that if you start the script with a keg on your head already, what you need that for?
  9. check the position of the widget to track where it is
  10. hmm will check it, teaks or blister is the best exp
  11. Because it's made to not equip the defenders, it will keep it in the inventory it will go from bronze to dragon in 1 go, just start at and let it do it's thing. The game knows what defender to drop when you enter the room with a certain defender.
  12. all good, glad it's solved
  13. Khal Woodcutter (All in One) updated to V2.37: - Prevent script from dropping Crystal shards Should be live in a couple hours Enjoy!
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