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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Khal Guardian Of The Rift updated to V1.09: - Added Gotr account builder mode (Does Rune myseries, Enter the abyss, levels up to 10 RC and Temple of the eye quest) - Added Pickaxe upgrading (Have pickaxes in your bank) - Will now solve the message when it's trying to enter the minigame for the first time Will be live in a few hours Enjoy!
  2. Use vyre outfit, it does not swap outfits
  3. Typical mirror issues, nothing u can do about it. Just restart the client once in a while
  4. Typical mirror issues, just restart the whole client and make sure you are NOT logged in before hooking mirror
  5. This is the biggest issue with mirror indeed. Happends often when hooking mirror when already logged in Logging out and back in is usually already enough to fix it. Or just randomly after a few hours or days, hard to tell what actually causes it, I did so many tests and debugging to trigger this effect. Afaik it's an issues with loading item definitions, ID's always worked for me, but I refuse to use them. And sometimes it's completely broken als it requires a complete client restart... That's why I primarly still use stealth client, to combat these issues If you use mirror, just learn to live with this issue, been pending for years now
  6. The script CLI file has NOTHING to do with the breakmanager, those are completely unrelated to eachother. For example: Agility can have a cli file called AgilityProgressive Fisher can have a cli file called powerFishBarb Breakmanager can have a cli file called myNewBreaks No matter what script you are using of me you are able to use that 1 break file. -script 463:AgilityProgressive.myNewBreaks -script 571:powerFishBarb.myNewBreaks If that makes any sense Should be explained in the First post: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/53335-khal-aio-agility/
  7. I might make a hunter soon Enjoy!
  8. Onbjest ids change often so you might wanna use names
  9. Enjoy! You already have an expired trial
  10. Should be fine Ya it can happen it missclicks or something and accidently thinks it filled it. Happends very rarely but it's a good feature xD
  11. It's a typical mirror issue, just restarting the client always helps. Make sure you are logged out before hooking mirror
  12. Client error, I believe it's fixed in next release I have no idea what you are trying to explain with the CLI file, either you have it enabled or not
  13. restart client, should be fixed
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