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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Make sure to hook mirror before logging in, else you will run into these kind of issues a lot of times... So try to restart mirror
  2. It just clicks the plank often to get in the boat as quick as possible, so you don't miss out on games. That's how it's suppose to be
  3. Enjoy! It will get food whenever it needs to get food Just start the bot and leave it ^^
  4. There is only a handfull of people who actually are going to use their high stat main to use those methods tbh... And for only like 1-2 sec faster trip time
  5. Agility aint the hardest to bot tbh, just need some quality scripts and some breaks
  6. Khal tempoross updated to V1.11: - Updated temepross permit calculation Live soon Enjoy!
  7. Khaleesi


    Wait what...? You are saying the exact opposite of what you should be doing here xD
  8. Use abyss? or what method do you wanna use?
  9. Well it's not a script issue, it's just the way that stupid repair method works ... -_- If you need to chop the trees and walk around 24/7 you might get into time issues in most games. OR If 2 people try this on the same game you are done for from the start... What I can do is add an option to bring logs from the banks to aid in getting activity so the acc doesn't have to run around all the time. Khal pestcontrol updatd to V1.53: - Added additional mode to bank for logs to support the chopping - Updated portal fighting when spinners are near - Several minor changes to make eveything smoother on mirror mode Will be live soon Enjoy!
  10. Ya mirror can be weird at some day to day xD
  11. Ya that;s not bad, I woul go with even shorter sessions and breaks Seems to give betetr results
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