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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. I will have to tqake a look at that
  2. Will be taking a look at that shortly. Also the new ring of elements will be added
  3. Just seems like a issue in the script tbh... that code you show won't be enough to have a flawless script. You should also check for the npc health and stuff, add some conditonal sleeps, etc Feel free to post your code, so we can help you out
  4. Khal Thieving (All in One) updated to V1.23: - Added Vyre Vallessia von Pitt with banking in the minigame - Added Gem bad support for thieving npcs (Just start with the bag in your inventory) - Improved banking logic for npcs that give multiple items Will be live soon Enjoy!
  5. You need to loot that yourself with the point you gained look it up if you don't know that
  6. Enjoy! The script is smart enough to determine what alatrs u can't access so don't worry about that for the rest it's best to use the simulate button and try to get it around 50%, I will be adding a more basic mode that levels out points by itself shortly. You can use the Prio list thats on the first page, works perfect for fresh accs.
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