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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. I increased the amounts, should be live in V1.29 How much HP does your acc have?
  2. You Sir are very annoying on discord, Not asking the queastion once, but 10 times. Even after explaining the clients needs updating you keep spamming about a fix. get your facts straight please Client is outdated after todays update, gotta wait for an update
  3. Enjoy! Wait for a client update after todays update
  4. Not possibler, the script decides a ratio for you What mode are you running and how much hp do you have? Wait for a client update, somehting broke the banking
  5. I will think about it, enjoy the trial
  6. for a static sleep you can just use sleep, not really recommended since a bit of lag can mess up your script pretty quick. And you don't wanna sleep fro to long, bcs that will make the script really slow^^ You can use conditional sleeps instead https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/utility/ConditionalSleep.html For example: new ConditionalSleep( 5000, 100) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return script.myPlayer().isAnimating(); } }.sleep(); Sleeps for a maximum of 5000ms OR until the player is animating. This will check every 100ms
  7. JRE/JDK should not matter to just run java, delete java 18, install java 8 should just do the trick If you still have issues run jarfix => https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html
  8. You already have an expired trial
  9. Every account is different, quests, level, pouches or not... ^^ You probably just wanna folow the settings from the main post of this topic if it's a fresh acc
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